The best and updated guide, direction for planting and producing corn is here. Read and follow the directions carefully to achieve the desired results. source First: Soil Requirements and months of planting The best soil to be planted with corn is loam soil, it is a combination of sand, silt, and clay. But if you don’t have this kind of soil, sandy loam and clay can be considered if you can get the proper timing of planting. The best planting months are from September to February in some areas in Luzon, particularly central and northern Luzon. If it is not frequently raining in your area, you must have water pump or any source of water that could sustain the corn for growing until it will be harvested. Second: Inputs, the things you need to prepare, a month before planting. Be sure that they are available before you start. Approximate cost 65,000 as of November 2024 BUY 3K FERTILIZER · 2-3 bags hybrid seeds · ...
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