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Plant Calamansi or Citrus and start harvesting after two years

 Have you tried planting calamansi ot citrus, have you tried checking its price in the market from January to December? Well, if you haven't, here is a video that will let you know some techniques and procedure of planting, raising, and flower inducing, so that if you will be convince to plant and produce calamansi, you'll going to harvest the fruit of your labor the soonest time possible. Like other vegetables and tree crops, calamansi is also known to be wealth producing tree. So try planting this tree if you're tired of planting vegetables.  Learn how to induce flower, and schedule your harvest during the high demand periods.

Carpenters, Mason, Painter, Welder, and others for Building, Home and other construction need are available

 If you need to build a home, building, or any structure in Tarlac or nearby places and provinces, we have skilled mason, welder, painter, and carpenter here, they can start and finish construction, they can be acquire through daily or contract labor. Work is guaranteed. Contact 09175015680 for more information. Tiles installation Painting Ceiling installation Façade tiling  Spandrel installation   

Learning and Doing the Correct Process of Planting Vegetables in a Plastic bottle

 The need of planting and eating vegetables today is so important,  because vegetables are source of vitamins and minerals that helps our body fights diseases and become healthier. To be able to produce nice and bountiful harvest, you need to learn process by undergoing trial and failure if you did not yet experience and know the process. But wise vegetables grower follow wise grower who have already done with failure, and are now succeeding in the process. The video below was prepared to help interested and aspiring vegetable grower make the process of vegetables production at home easy.

Techniques on how to spray herbicide in hot pepper and tomato rows and hills

 Are you a farmer planting vegetables? We will help you by showing you the process of eliminating grass and weeds beside your plants if you are planting a wide area, by using chemical to control weeds, you will save a lot of labor, money, and time. But first, you need to watch carefully and practice the art of spraying, so that you will going to spray the target weeds and not your vegetables, it is not easy, but as you get the technique and process, you will see how fast and easy to control and eliminate weeds and grasses that disturb the growth of vegetables and absorb nutrients intended for your plants. 

Learn how to spray herbicide beside string beans, it eliminates much effort in weeding

 Weeds and grasses are still problems in crop production today, they require manual or mechanical process to be removed, besides they require a lot of labor because they keep on germinating again and again. But gone are those days, now we have a lot of chemicals that will control weeds production and germination, and it takes a little longer for them to grow again once they are affected by the chemical solution. You can also apply or spray the chemical solution between crops, watch our video to learn the process. 

How to use micro-organism lactobacillus to degrade or remove odor and turn biodegradable waste materials into organic fertilizer

 If we want organic materials to be used in our garden, here is a product that could help us make organic fertilizer, degrade odor, and decompose waste materials turning it into effective organic fertilizer. Watch the video for further explanation, it is easy to prepare and use, it is not harmful, and it is very much usable. You can use it in your household, remove odors and some unwanted micro-organisms. Buy Xemas here.

What are correct and not correct process in vegetables production || Question and Answer

 This video is an answer to some question of follower in our Youtube channel, the answers are based on our personal experience and acquired knowledge from our research. If you have questions regarding farming, you can put your comment in our video. Listen carefully to our answers so that you will also gain from what we explained. Good luck and never give give up.

Land and Planting Preparation Using Hand Tractor

 Things change, methods change, and procedure change. The video below will show you how we change the method and procedure of transplanting tomato and hot pepper, though what you can see in the video is the land preparation process, this procedure will eliminate some process like the manual watering of transplanted seedlings, which will require two to three times watering until it will recover and established. It will also eliminate the off baring and hilling up of soil for the purpose of cultivation, fertilization, and  weeds removal. Drenching of fertilizer in this procedure is also easy.

How to prepare and spray foliar fertilizer

 Do you know how to use foliar fertilizer? Do you know how to prepare and spray foliar fertilizer? We will show you how to prepare the mixture, and spray foliar fertilizer in the video below.  Making your plant and crops healthy are not only through watering, applying fertilizer, sunlight exposure, and spraying insecticide. You can still enhance and boost the crop performance and yield by spraying appropriate and needed foliar fertilizer, because not all foliar fertilizer have same ingredients that will help the plant boost its performance. The procedure shown in the video can be applied to hot pepper, eggplant, corn, rice, okra, string beans,  papaya, calamansi, citrus, watermelon, and other crops. If you have some questions, please comment below.

Google will be required to deduct U.S. taxes from payments to creators outside of the U.S. later this year (as early as June 2021).

 Here is the letter of Google to YouTube Creator who are earning from their AdSense, Hi there,   We’re reaching out because Google will be required to deduct U.S. taxes from payments to creators outside of the U.S. later this year (as early as June 2021). Over the next few weeks, we’ll be asking you to submit your tax info in AdSense to determine the correct amount of taxes to deduct, if any apply. If your tax info isn’t provided by May 31, 2021, Google may be required to deduct up to 24% of your total earnings worldwide.   What do I need to do? In the next few weeks you will receive an email to submit your tax information in AdSense. The online tax tool in AdSense is six steps and will ask you a series of questions to guide you through the process to determine if any U.S. taxes apply. For more information on these changes and a list of tax info to prepare, visit our  Help Center .   Why is this happening? Google has a responsibility under Chapter 3 of the U.S. ...