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Buy Foliar Packages for Corn, Rice and Vegetables

How to raise urinary creatinine levels

source Step 1 Consume proteinrich foods to elevate your creatinine levels. According to Quest Diagnostics, a diet that is too low in protein causes lowered levels to show in urine testing. Foods such as chicken, lean beef and legumes are ideal sources of proteins. Eating green leafy vegetables as well as taking iron supplements is also a good idea, as lowered iron levels will also decrease your urinary creatinine levels. Step 2 Exercise regularly to increase lean muscle mass, suggests Dr. J. Singh of Walking, cycling, jogging and aerobic activity are ideal ways to increase lean muscle mass. Weight lifting also builds lean muscle mass, though you should work your way up starting with lighter weights and increasing gradually to heavier ones.  Step 3 Drink plenty of water daily to increase creatinine levels. According to Quest Diagnostics, dehydration can cause levels to decrease by reducing urinary output. Since creatinine is expelled in your urine, this decre...

How do you identify sexual harassment move

How do you know if you’re experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace? As per the definition of the EEOC, if an individual’s rejection of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical sexual conduct affects their employment status, their work performance, or creates a hostile or offensive work environment for the employee, then it is considered as sexual harassment. Two types of sexual harassment occur in the workplace: 1.  Quid Pro Quo  – This type of harassment is more easily seen and is what people think about when they hear the term sexual harassment in the workplace. Quid pro quo means that a person of higher authority than the victim requests sexual favors or wants to start a sexual relationship in exchange for the victim not getting fired or punished. Sexual favors in exchange for a promotion or a raise also fall under this type of sexual harassment.

Sweet Catimon Mango for Sale

Sweet Catimon Mango seedlings for SALE! Contact us at 09175015680 Available in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao Pick up price Php 1,500.00

Stroke Indicators and Symptoms

Stroke has a new indicator! They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue: While grilling a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

Kangen Alkaline Water Demo

If you want to have a machine for your personal Kangen water, contact us at 09175015680 or email us at, for details

Alkaline Ionized Water Difference and Benefits

Kangen water Benefits Hydration and Drinkability Ionized alkaline water is an excellent source of healthful hydration because not only does it taste better with a superior mouth-feel, it is more readily absorbed by the body. This increases the “drinkability” of water by reducing the usual feeling of being “bloated” from drinking the recommended daily allowance of 8 glasses per day. In side-by-side tests, most people can taste the difference! if you are interested to have a machine, contact 09175015680 or email us at for  details.

How to use Gibberellic Acid GA3

Gibberellic Acid is growth enhancer, booster, and plant energizer. It is sprayed as foliar fertilizer during growing, vegetative stage, and flowering/fruiting of plants. It can be used and applied during sunset and early in the morning to get the most efficient result. Its effect is far better than other foliar fertilizer available in market. How to use: The 10% Gibberillic acid tablet is good for 64 liters of water, it can be divided into four parts, the plus trace line in the picture will be the guiding line to divide it, one part is dissolve in a liter of water then pour it to a half filled 16liter container sprayer, then add water to sprayer to make it 16 liters. For better result use it

Upgrade your Level of Fun and Excitement

Come and explore the world of excitement, use these products, push your limits, make a difference in your outdoor activities, introduce a different adventure to your family, relatives, and friends. Be the first to use it and feel the thrill and delight. Take a closer look to this, it is absolutely new and different from your previous adventure. T his  inflatable zorb   is a very huge ball, a man can enter inside to roll, walk, and run while it floats on water. Imagine your position and situation being inside the ball, it is exciting isn't it, then how about letting your kids and love ones have this thing. You only have two options, leave it or missed it.

Dragon Fruit Planting Materials for Sale

Dragon fruit planting materials for Sale, free consultation upon purchase. We will help you make your plant bare fruit in a year , GUARANTEED ! Contact us at 09175015680

Lactobacillus probiotic for Sale

Use this probiotic as foliar spray to your vegetables and other crops like, pepper, eggplant, okra, tomato, and others, then see the amazing result in two weeks. This probiotic is use for livestock feeding and drinking purposes, it will protect them from sickness and maintain their health , recommended to chicken, dogs, cats, and others. Use to protect and maintain the productive growing of plants and vegetables. It multiplies and restore the micro organism content of your soil that was eliminated due to continuous application of chemical fertilizers. Restore the fertility of your soil to command more produce and harvest, spray probiotics weekly . For orders and information, call or text us at 09175015680. Pick up price, 700 pesos per liter bottle.