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The 23 days old yellow corn

Dragon Fruit Planting Materials for Sale

Dragon fruit planting materials for Sale, free consultation upon purchase. We will help you make your plant bare fruit in a year , GUARANTEED ! Contact us at 09175015680

Lactobacillus probiotic for Sale

Use this probiotic as foliar spray to your vegetables and other crops like, pepper, eggplant, okra, tomato, and others, then see the amazing result in two weeks. This probiotic is use for livestock feeding and drinking purposes, it will protect them from sickness and maintain their health , recommended to chicken, dogs, cats, and others. Use to protect and maintain the productive growing of plants and vegetables. It multiplies and restore the micro organism content of your soil that was eliminated due to continuous application of chemical fertilizers. Restore the fertility of your soil to command more produce and harvest, spray probiotics weekly . For orders and information, call or text us at 09175015680. Pick up price, 700 pesos per liter bottle.

Napier Grass Planting Material for Sale

If you are looking for Napier grass planting material, it is available in our farm just call or text us, 09175015680. We will guide you to propagate and maintain your grass for feeding purposes.

Farm Tiller and Cultivator For SALE

This little machine will cultivate plants in the farm, can be used for tillage , make canal for surface irrigation , and other uses. Contact, 09175015680 for orders in Luzon.

Fruit Fly Trapper for Sale

This fruit fly catcher can be used to trap and kill the following; mango fruit fly , papaya fruit fly , vegetables fruit fly , and others. It attracts and catches all fruit fly . For information and orders call or text 09175015680. Minimum order 6 pieces  for 3,000 pesos FREE Delivery. We send orders to any part of the Philippines that can be reach by LBC, JRS, and 2GO.

Online store, wanted reseller

Here are the picture gallery of what we sell online , they are guaranteed to bring you good results. We know how you value your money, so we give you products that are more valuable than your money. 1. Dried Goji berry, it restores your energy and heal a lot of health problem, it is advisable to drink daily for young and old, especially those individual who has a busy schedule. Drink it to detoxify our body, there's no need to drink stimulant if you have this daily

Red Hot Pepper F1 Problem Review

For almost a decade ago, red hot pepper F1 had gained its popularity among farmers who had chosen to produce vegetables and crops of high value. Due to the fact that almost all kinds of food that are served in our tables today need spices to enhance its taste, the demand of hot pepper goes high specially during rainy season and last quarter of the year to January. During peak season its price command from 800 to 1000 pesos every kilo, and will go down to as low as 15 pesos per kilo during the month of March to June. This year 2017, a lot of farmers had planted this red hot variety to shoot the high price of peak season, the seeds of red hot pepper had been out of stock in agricultural supply from May to July, because a lot of farmer had bought seeds to prepare for off season planting. The PROBLEM and Complain Despite the fact that the price of Red Hot F1 pepper is low during off season planting this year, here comes a big problem, the fruit of red hot is attack by a fungus that n...

Live and Be Well with Taiwan Excellence Products

Rapid technological innovation has paved the way for better healthcare and medical solutions. Older people can move around with ease thanks to e-motors and scooters, people monitor their  physical activity with handy trackers, and surgeons are able to perform more efficient and safer operations with smart surgical solutions. These are just some of the breakthroughs of Taiwan SmartHealthcare products . Bearing the Taiwan Seal of Excellence—a mark accorded only to the highest quality brands— these revolutionary products have guided people toward healthier and safer lives. Utilizing 3D and Digital Imaging for Safer Surgeries In minimally invasive surgery, fewer and smaller incisions are made on the body to lessen post-operative pain, blood loss, and scarring. Thin needles and an endoscope, a tube-shaped instrument with a camera and light, are used to guide the operation. The MonoStereo3D System converts the 2D video captured by the endoscope into a 3D display on a monitor. T...

Acne Causes: The Ultimate Approach

Don’t you just hate it when your skin can’t stop breaking out for some reason? It seems that no matter what you do or what you apply on your skin, you just keep getting more and more pimples. Frustrating, I know. To tell you honestly, controlling acne isn’t that easy. It’s not just about knowing what products you should use or searching for the right ingredient for acne-prone skin . If you want to get rid of the problem, you have to dig a bit deeper. Let me explain. There are literally dozens of things that can trigger acne. By knowing exactly what your acne triggers are, you’ll be able to prevent your skin from breaking out. These triggers can include the food you eat, the clothes you wear and the medicines you take. Even the makeup products you use to conceal your blemishes can cause pimples, too. Now, you might be wondering: How do I know what my triggers are? To begin with, you need to pay close attention to what your skin tells you. Assess what ...

Natural Healing Products

Our products are proven effective in helping our body during recovery and healing process, since our body can accumulated much toxin from the environment through food, touch, and other process, we are now introducing to you the products that will help you recover and maintain your good health. Instead of taking medication that could facilitate in accumulating more toxins, take the natural remedy that came from natural sources, they are safe to take because they are all natural. So come on take your order and call or text us @ 09175015680, let us arrange how we can deliver the product conveniently. Below are our available products.  ALKALINE CAPSULES 500 VEGGIE POWER LOVE CAPSULES 500 VEGGIE COFFEE BOX 250 VEGGIE COFFEE 300g 350 VEGGIE CHOCO 350 VEGGIE COFFEE 300g 350 VEGGIE TURMERIC TEA 350 ALKALINE SOAP 220/PACK HAIR GROWER SPRAY SET 1,700 VEGGIE COFFEE 300g 350