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The 23 days old yellow corn

Foods That Help To Fight Breast Cancer

Super Foods That Help To Fight Breast Cancer 1. Spinach Spinach is a vegetable that contains many properties which help it to fortify the system against breast cancer. Benefits • It consists of an antioxidant which is lutien that has a major role to play in guarding the breast cancer cells and to stop it from spreading to other areas of the body • It consists of carotenoids and zeaxanthin which can help to remove unstable molecules from the body Preparation • Spinach can be enjoyed in the form of a salad ingredient • It can be steamed, stirred and sauteed and added to any dish • Other cruciferous vegetables like

Businesswoman, 29, hasn't eaten hot food for SEVEN years and says she's still mistaken for a teenager

Susan Reynolds, 29, eats nothing but raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds The Edinburgh entrepreneur says the diet is the reason for her good skin She says she doesn't miss eating junk food and gets no cravings for it Existing on a spartan diet of nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables might not sound particularly appetising, but Susan Reynolds, 29, says it keeps her looking so young, she is regularly mistaken for a 16-year-old. Susan, who hails from Edinburgh, last ate cooked food seven years ago

How to prepare effective microorganisms EM

Control Odors and Flies 1 kilo ripen fruit (any fruit,the riper the better) not rotten 1 kilo molasses 1 litre clean water yeast and a little salt place in a jar (not glass) loose fitting lid(gas has to escape)and store in a cool dark place for 5-7 days after 5-7 days strain,place in a clean jar(not glass,plastic is better),glass jars have been known to explode under pressure.Mixture maybe good for 30 days. to use mix 1 tablespoon to 1 litre clean water and spray the goat flooring and under the goat house every week or 2 weeks on any other livestock area (pens and stalls) Forgot to say,if you want to use it on manure only,then spray direct (no mixing with water) weekly. This is only a very basic way of making EM-1,there are better methods of making it. Be careful because once the yeast starts to eat the sugars, gas will form and this is when it becomes unstable and the reason for no glass jars or containers,the lid has to be loose enough to allow the gas to escape.

Neem Tree and its healing capacity.

Here is a fact about the Neem tree, though it is not guaranteed by food and drugs authorities but you can try it in a small amount and observe its effect and reaction in our body, it is not recommended but we are just giving some fact that others have tried. The Neem tree is a fast growing evergreen that is native to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This amazing tree is claimed to treat forty different diseases. The use of neem as a medicinal herb dates back over 5,000 years. Today it’s benefits have been proven by scientific research and clinical trials. To give you an idea of the healing powers of the neem tree, here are a few names that the people of India have given it, Divine Tree, Village

Effective Micro-organisms (EM) Guide

E.M. is an abbreviation for EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry out chemical processes that make it possible for all other organisms including humans to live. There are friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly group called pathogens that are harmful and capable of producing disease, decay and pollution.

Effective Microorganisms

1.Effective Microorganisms defined. E.M. is an abbreviation for Effective Microorganisms Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry out chemical processes that make it possible for all other organisms including humans to live. There are friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly group called pathogens that are harmful and capable of producing disease, decay and pollution. EM origin In 1982 Dr.Higa at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa


The main use for Cola is as a beverage, but there are other things it can be used for. Learning the other uses for Cola can save you money on purchasing several different products. For example, Cola can remove stains and rust on metal. That's now two products you don't have to buy. Removing Rust and Hard Water Cola can remove rust from nails and from the bumper of your car. To remove rust on a small object, fill a plastic cup with Cola. Then add the rusted metal object. Leave it overnight and then wipe the rust off with an old rag. To remove rust from larger metal you will need a sheet of aluminum foil. Roll the aluminum foil up in to a ball and dip in the Cola so that it is covered on all sides with the liquid. Rub it in a circle over the rust. You may need to apply the Coke a few times and then rub, but it will work.It is also used in removing hard water from your bathroom tiles and toilet bowls. Stain Removal Cola contains acid that can remove grease and blood stains fro...

Sugar May Be Use to Detect Cancer Cells

Researchers from King’s College London and University College London (UCL) recently unveiled a potentially safer and less expensive way to detect cancer cells in humans.  It all has to do with the cancer cells’ sweet tooth. The new method, called glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer, or glucoCEST, uses specially tuned magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to detect the higher levels of glucose, a common sugar, as tumor cells use it for energy. In the MRI scanner, tumor cells light up when a patient is injected with glucose. In other words, the test uses radio waves from conventional MRIs to determine how quickly sugar is consumed by tumor cells, which need more glucose than healthy cells to survive. Researchers say the glucoCEST technique could

Detect Thyroid Cancer by Neck Check

How to Perform a 'Neck Check' Self-Exam A 'neck check' is a simple procedure that can be done just about anywhere. If you have a glass of water and a mirror, you’re ready to look for symptoms of thyroid disorders. Dr. Jeffrey Mechanick, clinical professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and president of the AACE, provides some painless guidelines: First, locate your thyroid gland, which is above your collarbone and below your larynx, or voice box. Don't confuse your thyroid with your Adam’s apple, which lies above the thyroid gland. Keeping your focus on this part of the neck, tip your head back, then swallow a drink of water. Look at your neck in the mirror while you swallow, checking for any static or moving bumps.

What we can get from Onions

In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu... Many of the farmers and their families had contracted it and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.