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The 23 days old yellow corn

Nuts Contains Fewer Calories.

Nuts is belong to upper portion of food pyramid. They are part of grow foods, but they don't contain much calorie compared to the other kinds of grow foods. Know about their importance and function to maintain our body. A recent study suggests that human bodies don't absorb all the calories in pistachios, because the fat from this nut isn't readily absorbed by the intestinal tract. What's in a Calorie? Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and alcohol have been assigned a simple caloric value most dieters know by heart. Protein and carbs supply 4 calories per gram of food while fat supplies 9 calories per gram. And alcohol lands in the middle -- at about 7 calories per gram. But in light of this new study, researchers believe that these caloric factors may be outdated and may overestimate calories. And the researchers figure that the caloric value of pistachios is probably overestimated by about 6 percent, given the number of calories that actually get absorbed.  Here are...

Have it for 5 Minutes, and Get 5 Years Younger.

Everyone wants to control the process of aging, but no one can do it. But here are some way to possibly do your wish. Just try them and believed, then see if what will be the outcome. In a Chinese study, the cells of enthusiastic tea drinkers showed about 5 fewer years' worth of wear and tear compared with the cells of people who drank little tea. Age Marker The enthusiastic tea drinkers averaged 3 or more cups of green or oolong tea daily, while the group that showed more signs of cell aging averaged less than a cup. The researchers looked specifically at the study participants' telomeres to see how much their cells had aged. Telomeres are the protective end caps on your DNA strands. They get a smidge shorter every time cells divide, so the shorter these caps are, the older your cells are, too. And in the study, the most avid

Some Way to Prevent Alzheimer's Diseases

This disease attack and affect anybody, so be careful and should know anything about it to prevent it. The Super 7 Moves More research is needed to confirm whether there is a causal link between these seven key risk factors and Alzheimer's. But there are plenty of other good health reasons to make the following changes: 1. Get moving. Inactivity is linked to greater Alzheimer's risk, so go for a walk every day. Walking every day can keep your brain from shrinking, too. Find out how many miles you need to log to prevent shrinkage. 2. Don't smoke. Or quit if you do. Smoking may up the likelihood of Alzheimer's. Try the 31-day plan to kick the habit for good. 3. Eat more watermelon. Why? A compound in this juicy summer fruit can help lower your blood pressure by as much as nine points! And low blood pressure at middle age may help protect against Alzheimer's. Learn about 12 other foods and beverages that help control blood pressure.

Seven Worst Foods declared by World Health Organization as MOST Unhealthy.

The purpose of eating food is to supply the need of our body for nourishment. But not all foods are safe for nourishment. Let us take note of this foods that are not safe and will contribute unnecessary element that will affect our health. 1. French Fries

Maintaining our body

It is said that prevention is much better than cure. How? We should know and particular about the food pyramid, the go , grow , and glow . The go foods are rice, cereals, bread, corn, and root crops. The grow foods are the meat, milk, eggs, nuts, fish, and butter. The glow foods are the different fruits and vegetables. We should eat plenty of go foods because it is our everyday source of energy, then minimal amount of glow foods, and little on grow foods. The different age group need different food and amount. The infant and children needs more go and grow foods for their growth years. Adult need more go and glow foods. There are recommended amount of daily food intake for different age group, but if we are not aware, let us be familiar with the vitamins and minerals content of certain food we eat.  But if we're not sure, let us just take a little amount of the food we seldom eat, because we're not sure if what will be its effect on us after taking it. Take this.. Every ...

Importance of Water Intake

   While we take and consume food daily, lack of adequate quantity of water in the body causes serious damage to our entire system. Water serves as lubricant and carrier of supply going throughout our system, don’t wait for the time that you’re thirst, because at that time you are already dehydrated.    The water must be gulped and not sipped so that it goes straight into the intestines when drinking at early morning. Four glasses of water, preferably stored in a copper utensil for twenty-four hours will be taken first thing in the morning helps in easy flushing of the toxins from the system. You can get rid of problem regarding constipation and other related illness resulting to inadequate water intake if we start and continue drinking the needed quantity and measure of water daily.

Cancer Cell Killer

The Soursop Fruit or GUANABANA (name of the fruit in Puerto Rico) GUYABANO, is the name Philippines call the fruit. The SOUR SOP or the fruit from the GRAVIOLA TREE is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo. Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale. So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time. The taste is not bad after all. It's completely natural and definitely has no side effects.. If you have the space, plant one in your garden. The other parts of the tree are also useful. The next time you have a fruit juice, ask for a sour sop.

Papaya and Tawa tawa

These two kinds of plants has been used by some to cure Dengue, although there are no scientific evidence that could prove, trying to use it with the assistance of those who knows about it may help. 

Charcoal Therapy in the 19th Century

           The use of charcoal as a simple remedy for different health problems is an ancient way of treating many common diseases that afflict humankind dates back to the time of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 360 BC.             “HIPPOCRATES, as well as ancient Egyptian doctors, suggested the use of charcoal for medicinal purposes.”             In the late 1800, Ellen G. White spearheaded the use of charcoal in the treatment of different diseases. A sincere and prayerful Christian, she wrote many books including health books such as:

What our body needs

There are two things that we must know and maintain in having a good health; good nutrition and physical fitness. Good nutrition can be preserved and maintain by eating and consuming proper foods for our body, we must be particular that the food originally for our body to be consumed are fruits and vegetables. But due to the change of time, custom, and lifestyle the meat has been part of our diet as source of fats and protein. Then we became addicted in eating meat, that the the supposed to be small amount of meat to be consumed became more in quantity. Have you observed the tooth of herbivorous and carnivorous, the dog is carnivorous so it has a pointed teeth, and mammal who were eating plants have different sets of teeth for chewing. The carnivorous has pointed teeth because it was intended for tearing meat they chew as food, people don't have that kind of tooth because they we're destined to consume fruits and vegetables. The meat is not safe as food to...