No one deliberately says something hurtful to someone diagnosed with a disease. But sometimes, it comes out and it's hard to stop. I could very well have said something stupid to a cancer patient. I have been the recipient of some strange remarks. Not all bad. Mostly powerful, encouraging comments of love and support. But it is amazing what a few shitty comments will do to the soul during such a fragile time. The amount of support needed cannot be underestimated. But how? In what ways? Words? Actions? Food? Gifts? A smile? Information? How do you support someone who is facing the disease of their own body? What do you say? What do you not say? Top 10 list of what not to say or do to your friend who has been diagnosed with cancer: 1. Don't be so negative -- maybe your hair won't fall out. 2. Do you really need to wear that "schmata" (wig) in the house -- isn't it hot? 3. I threw up after my mastectomy. 4. My peach fuzz hair fell out after my last chemo....
Product and Business Promotion and Review, Planting Corn, Rice, Vegetables, Citrus, and tree crops Consultant. Cancer Diet and Medical Mentor, Physical Fitness Guide