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Showing posts with the label hot pepper

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

Why I Loved Farming and Continue this Passion; The move that Changed my Life

How to start and continue your passion in any venture, what you must do and need to nurture daily to develop it.  I grew up in a farm and developed as a farmer during my teenage and adulthood, but when I got married at age of 24, my father pushed me to get employed, for me to be ready for the needs of my family, I finished Bachelor of Science in Agriculture major in Agricultural Extension, but due to honest mistake in preparing my transcript of records which was prepared major in Agricultural Education, I was given a chance to took licensure examination for teachers then luckily passed. My wife was an employed private school teacher before we got married, she can sustain our needs as newly wed couple, but when she got pregnant I thought that I need to be employed to sustain my family. I stayed out of farm for seventeen years, I've been employed as Public Secondary School Teacher, and while in the teaching job, I have tried different ways to multiply my income because we were blesse...

Cure curly leaves of hot pepper

 Have you experienced planting hot pepper of any kind?, did you noticed some curly leaves during cold and rainy season? what solution did you do to correct or stop curly leaves from appearing?  Have you notice that when the leaves starts to curl, it will also stop bearing flowers and fruit?, and this happens to all hybrid hot pepper as what I have observed. Now, do you want to know the solution, and learn how to improve the yield and growth of your hot peppers? Watch the video and learn how to cure and manage the problem..   Buy Pegasus    Buy Power Grower Combo Buy ANAA   Buy Heavy Weight Tandem    Buy Nimbecidine    Buy Z-!0 xtra fungicide

When to plant hot pepper, to skip the period that anthracnose occur

 For the last ten years, hot pepper popularly known as "siling labuyo" became the hottest crop topic by farmers when they talk about, what crop in the present period command very high price during its off peak season. That is why a lot of farmer want to know about this crop, and learn how to produce it. Almost all farmer know about the value and price of this crop specially during cold season, from September to February.  The radio and television broadcaster announce the price, that is why it is all known not only by the farmer but also to the household consuming this vegetable. The process of producing: Hot pepper, Tomato, and Eggplant But unlike in the old days that producing hot pepper is so much easy, you just need to learn the process of producing seedlings, transplanting, fertilizing, irrigating, and controlling pest and diseases. Now, arises the problem that there is no clear solution yet, the anthracnose infection. It is a fungal infection that incur during rainy seas...

Some things that you should consider and know in planting hot pepper PANIGANG

 A lot of farmer are planting this kind of hot pepper, this hot pepper goes high in demand during the later part of rainy season and fourth quarter of the year. The price of this pepper also depend on supply, there are years that it has a lot of supply and there are also years where there are little supply and its price is higher than siling labuyo. Siling panigang is not easy to raise during rainy season, that is why its price goes high. Watch our video for more details.

Learning and Doing the Correct Process of Planting Vegetables in a Plastic bottle

 The need of planting and eating vegetables today is so important,  because vegetables are source of vitamins and minerals that helps our body fights diseases and become healthier. To be able to produce nice and bountiful harvest, you need to learn process by undergoing trial and failure if you did not yet experience and know the process. But wise vegetables grower follow wise grower who have already done with failure, and are now succeeding in the process. The video below was prepared to help interested and aspiring vegetable grower make the process of vegetables production at home easy.

Techniques on how to spray herbicide in hot pepper and tomato rows and hills

 Are you a farmer planting vegetables? We will help you by showing you the process of eliminating grass and weeds beside your plants if you are planting a wide area, by using chemical to control weeds, you will save a lot of labor, money, and time. But first, you need to watch carefully and practice the art of spraying, so that you will going to spray the target weeds and not your vegetables, it is not easy, but as you get the technique and process, you will see how fast and easy to control and eliminate weeds and grasses that disturb the growth of vegetables and absorb nutrients intended for your plants. 

What you can do to improve your hot pepper grow and bear more fruits

 A lot of farmer planting siling labuyo had a lot of problem making their hot pepper bloom and bear more fruits during the peak season when the demand is so high that the price will reach as high as 900 pesos per kilo as farm gate price, the video below will explain how to make your hot pepper grow and have more fruits, so that farmer producing siling labuyo will have more profit from their harvest. If you want to buy those products, you can have them here. Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml

How to plant and manage Siling Labuyo or Taiwan

 If you want to plant siling labuyo, don't aim first for money, but instead, learn to raise the plant, to grow fast and bare more fruits. Here is a video that will tell you some techniques, watch our videos on Youtube Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml

Hot pepper, Eggplant, String beans, Corn, and Papaya Production

Pictures below are crops that can be produced all year round. Want to know how to do it? Contact us, and we will be much willing to provide your need..