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Showing posts with the label herbicide

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

Techniques on how to spray herbicide in hot pepper and tomato rows and hills

 Are you a farmer planting vegetables? We will help you by showing you the process of eliminating grass and weeds beside your plants if you are planting a wide area, by using chemical to control weeds, you will save a lot of labor, money, and time. But first, you need to watch carefully and practice the art of spraying, so that you will going to spray the target weeds and not your vegetables, it is not easy, but as you get the technique and process, you will see how fast and easy to control and eliminate weeds and grasses that disturb the growth of vegetables and absorb nutrients intended for your plants. 

Learn how to spray herbicide beside string beans, it eliminates much effort in weeding

 Weeds and grasses are still problems in crop production today, they require manual or mechanical process to be removed, besides they require a lot of labor because they keep on germinating again and again. But gone are those days, now we have a lot of chemicals that will control weeds production and germination, and it takes a little longer for them to grow again once they are affected by the chemical solution. You can also apply or spray the chemical solution between crops, watch our video to learn the process.