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Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal


INGREDIENTS 1 block extra-firm tofu, pressed and drained (choose organic/GMO-free) Marinade ¼ cup gluten-free, low-sodium tamari ¼ cup low-sodium vegetable broth 2 Tbs. canola oil 2 garlic cloves, minced ½ tsp. Kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. dried thyme 1 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. cumin ½ tsp. turmeric

Top 10 Foods for Fairer Skin

Almonds   Almonds are seeds, not nuts, and they're stuffed with vitamin E, a potent sun blocker. Volunteers who consumed 14 milligrams of the vitamin per day (about 20 almonds) and then were exposed to UV light sunburned less than those who took none. "Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that helps to protect skin cells from UV light and other environmental factors that generate cell-damaging free radicals," explains Jeffrey Dover, M.D., associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University. Suitable Switch  2 Tbsp peanut butter; 1/2 cup broccoli  Carrots   Think of them as orange wonder wands-good for eyeballs, good for clearing up breakouts. Credit

Transform the Salty Six

We are supposed to get less than 1,500 mg salt a day (less than one teaspoon of table salt!). Most Americans far supersede this limit. Sodium's in most everything you eat, and now the American Heart Association (AHA) is highlighting the top foods with excess sodium, aptly named “The Salty Six.” Before we jump into the list, here's some context. A teaspoon of straight up salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. When you look on a nutrition label, a serving's worth of sodium that's within the safe range are as follows: Sodium-free = less than 5mg per serving Very low sodium - 35 mg or less per serving Low sodium = 140mg or less per serving Keep in mind, high blood pressure and sodium affects more than your heart -- those darn wrinkles. Too much salt can decrease calcium levels in your body. So lowering your salt consumption keeps your bones stronger. 1. Bread And Rolls This tops the list because we Americans simply consume too much bread, period. A 1-ounce slice...

The 25 Best Diet Tricks Of All Time

Learn from different expert but don't live with them. Here is what they say.. Don't Skip Breakfast "Eat breakfast. It'll energize you for the day and keep your diet in check." -- Mehmet Oz, M.D.,