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How to prepare effective microorganisms EM

Control Odors and Flies 1 kilo ripen fruit (any fruit,the riper the better) not rotten 1 kilo molasses 1 litre clean water yeast and a little salt place in a jar (not glass) loose fitting lid(gas has to escape)and store in a cool dark place for 5-7 days after 5-7 days strain,place in a clean jar(not glass,plastic is better),glass jars have been known to explode under pressure.Mixture maybe good for 30 days. to use mix 1 tablespoon to 1 litre clean water and spray the goat flooring and under the goat house every week or 2 weeks on any other livestock area (pens and stalls) Forgot to say,if you want to use it on manure only,then spray direct (no mixing with water) weekly. This is only a very basic way of making EM-1,there are better methods of making it. Be careful because once the yeast starts to eat the sugars, gas will form and this is when it becomes unstable and the reason for no glass jars or containers,the lid has to be loose enough to allow the gas to escape.

Effective Micro-organisms (EM) Guide

E.M. is an abbreviation for EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry out chemical processes that make it possible for all other organisms including humans to live. There are friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly group called pathogens that are harmful and capable of producing disease, decay and pollution.

Effective Microorganisms

1.Effective Microorganisms defined. E.M. is an abbreviation for Effective Microorganisms Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry out chemical processes that make it possible for all other organisms including humans to live. There are friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly group called pathogens that are harmful and capable of producing disease, decay and pollution. EM origin In 1982 Dr.Higa at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa

EM Sustainable Living

What are Effective Microorganisms (EM's)?  EM stands for effective microorganisms. EM is an amazing technology discovered and developed by Dr. Teruo Higa, in the 1980‟s. The secret to EM‟s widespread success is its capacity to naturally remove harmful toxins and restore nature‟s microbial balance, whether it is on mineral, plant, animal, or human levels. EM technology has gained rapid recognition and use around the world and is now used in more than 160 countries and manufactured in more than 60 countries worldwide. There is nothing new about the technology of Effective Microorganisms. Nature has been using this technology for billions of years. The breakthrough was in creating a symbiotic alliance of beneficial microorganisms that create a chain-reaction of healthy by products. EM‟s are mixed cultures of beneficial natural fermentative microorganisms that can be applied to increase the necessary microbial diversity needed for living. The use of EM Technology has br...