Do the following if you're diagnose with cancer; First, be calm, you will deny it, but it was already there. Pray or learn to pray if you don't know it. Fix your mind because it is not yet your end. Whatever stage you have as cancer patient, do this, panicking and denying will not help. Second, learn to accept your situation, don't blame anyone regarding your health status, because it will not help. If people will ask about your situation, tell them, don't keep or deny it, the truth will set you free, beside it will lessen your burden inside, you could tell or inform someone who can help you. Don't worry about your plans and future goals, you can still do them. Third, learn about your case, seek medical advice and refer it to other doctors. Don't rely or be comfortable with one doctors opinion, get other doctor opinion. Ask other cancer patient, especially those who already survived, obtain wisdom from them, try or get their recommendation, it might work with ...
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