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Showing posts with the label deltaking

Buy Foliar Packages for Corn, Rice and Vegetables

What you can do to improve your hot pepper grow and bear more fruits

 A lot of farmer planting siling labuyo had a lot of problem making their hot pepper bloom and bear more fruits during the peak season when the demand is so high that the price will reach as high as 900 pesos per kilo as farm gate price, the video below will explain how to make your hot pepper grow and have more fruits, so that farmer producing siling labuyo will have more profit from their harvest. If you want to buy those products, you can have them here. Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml

Insecticide that will help you control insects in your Eggplant, Rice, Corn, String beans, Ornamentals and others

 Eggplant producing farmers spend and invest a lot of money for insecticide in eggplant production, they will start protecting the eggplant immediately after transplanting it, they normally use five to fifteen kinds of insecticide, using it alternately to control several kinds of insect starting from eggs, pupae, insect, to butterfly. Those stages of insects require different kinds of insecticide, there is no insecticide that kills or control all stage and kinds of insects. The video will show you a temporary solution to control insects, you can try it. You can get the insecticide here , Delta King   Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml