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Showing posts with the label corn

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

The Complete and Updated Guide on How to Produce 10-16 tons Yellow Hybrid Corn in 1 Hectare

 The best and updated guide, direction for planting and producing corn is here. Read and follow the directions carefully to achieve the desired results. source First: Soil Requirements and months of planting   The best soil to be planted with corn is loam soil, it is a combination of sand, silt, and clay. But if you don’t have this kind of soil, sandy loam and clay can be considered if you can get the proper timing of planting. The best planting months are from September to February in some areas in Luzon, particularly central and northern Luzon. If it is not frequently raining in your area, you must have water pump or any source of water that could sustain the corn for growing until it will be harvested. Second: Inputs, the things you need to prepare, a month before planting. Be sure that they are available before you start. Approximate cost 65,000 as of November 2024 BUY 3K FERTILIZER ·          2-3 bags hybrid seeds ·   ...

How much is the Needed Capital for One hectare Corn Production "Yellow Corn"

 If you're planning to plant corn, or you're already planting corn. Here are the things that you should know and consider that must be included in your budget. Don't missed to put or apply anyone that is recommended, so that your corn venture will be successful one, or your investment will be returned.  Today, the price of fertilizer is still going high, besides it has already have high price, applying fertilizer without knowledge of proper timing in application might result to lost, irrigation in proper time is also needed. The following video is a guide in planning and preparing your investment for corn production, please watch intelligently. Thank you. If you have question and inquiries, feel free to put your comment below, we'll be glad to answer your inquiries.

Here is your Guide for Planting Corn : Increasing your Production

  More than 50% of farmers in the Philippines are planting corn, not only in the Philippines, farmers of other countries also planting corn. Different methods are used to produce corn in different areas, some are effective and others are ineffective. The reason why we share this video, we would like to help farmers planting corn increase their harvest and improve the process of production, making it convincing and enjoyable as they increase the yield and income in corn production. We know that some farmers are comfortable with their present income from planting corn, but we know that you'll going to enjoy more if you will learn and can adapt our method.  Relax and enjoy learning, if you have question you can leave a comment below.

Hot pepper, Eggplant, String beans, Corn, and Papaya Production

Pictures below are crops that can be produced all year round. Want to know how to do it? Contact us, and we will be much willing to provide your need..

Bountiful Harvest of Corn

We have again harvested the desired volume of  corn for this cropping season. Thanks to frequent rain from the month of November till January, it is an enough blessing. Here are some pictures taken to show how we grow yellow hybrid corn. The sack of corn ready to be threshed. 

The Hybrid Corn After Almost Two Months

The corn are now on its flowering stage, they are about eight feet in height and began to bare fruit.There are no problem regarding pest and diseases because it is a yield guard variety. We only need to provide the water until the fruit will mature and ready for harvest.  The corn besides our storage house..

The Hybrid Corn After 34 Days.

We have a very fine weather, favorable for corn growers in lowland at the Northern part of the Philippines. We have scattered rainfall up to this date, it falls in the afternoon or during the night. The plant continue to grow, the corn that has been planted 34 days ago is on its way to vegetative stage. Here are the developments,  This is about five feet tall..

Important Reason Why We Must Produce Corn.

Our Philosophy of producing more corn was formulated behind the reason that; "While we continue to consume chicken and pork, the production of more corn  is much needed." Here are the growth development of our corn, After the rain that falls almost every other day, here they come, growing fast..

Growing Corn and Flowering Mangoes Development.

Here is how we maintain growing yellow corn and flowering mangoes. To harvest more corn and mangoes, you should do something to have it. As you have seen in my previous post about corn and mangoes, we are able to harvest and gain that much in having proper care and maintenance of the needs of the plants, not giving their needs on time means smaller yield and harvest. This flower stage need to be sprayed with fungicide and insecticide to protect it..

Mangoes and Yellow Corn

It is again time for planting corn and inducing mango's flower. We are sharing some pictures on how we cultivate and produce more corn and mangoes. Our best production of mangoes last year has 300 "kaing," I just don't know if what is the approximate weight of a kaing of mangoes. We maintain 15 medium size of mango trees. Here are the pictures,  Start to have flower..