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Showing posts with the label cocumber

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From Salad to a Refreshing Cucumber juice

Have heard the typical salad ingredients? With the impressive amount of water that is naturally distilled and which makes it superior to ordinary water, here comes the Cucumber. Most people are not aware of the health benefits a cucumber offers. However, some believe that it can be used to help reduce eye-strain, tiredness and dark circles. Cucumber has cooling properties that is refreshing. It acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with fried and barbequed foods. The skin itself contains high percentage of Vitamin A, so it should not be peel off! Some people think of this fruit for the juice that comes from it, which can be consumed to improve or maintain a healthy skin. Drinking cucumber juice can provide several health benefits. Calcium . Drinking cucumber juice is recommended providing the result of strong and healthy bones and teeth. It helps provoke the endocrine system to produce hormones, as well as muscles and blood vessels to contract and expand.