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Showing posts with the label calcium nitrate

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

How to mix calcium nitrate with fungicide, and spraying it to Siling Labuyo or Taiwan, for Lapnos or Anthracnose

 A lot of farmer nowadays are planting hot pepper, the very common and high price during September to January is the Taiwan or Siling Labuyo. But hot pepper are affected by anthracnose or "lapnos" during rainy season, and it is now very common, that all planted peppers exposed to rain during rainy season will become affected. We have discovered a temporary solution, you can watch the video, and it may help you. You can buy the fungicide here , and you can also get the calcium nitrate here . Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml

The Calcium Nitrate

WHAT IS CALCIUM NITRATE? It is a fertilizer made up of two nutrients, with a white grainy appearance that dissolves quickly in water and can be absorbed rapidly by plants. It is an perfect combination of %15.5 nitrogen in nitrate form that rapidly dissolves in water and %26.5 calcium. Its nitrate nitrogen and fully water soluble calcium combination provides good affects not found in any other fertilizer. CALCIUM NITRATE This is a greenhouse -type fertilizer, pure in composition and of uncoated granules that dissolves completely in water. Its greenhouse type is used in greenhouse and outdoor conditions where irrigation is done by drip or spring