The 8 elements of BIOINTENSIVE: • Double-Dug, Raised Beds – to create a healthy environment for roots and beneficial soil organisms • Composting – to provide healthy, inexpensive fertilizer that keeps the soil producing year after year • Intensive Planting – to maximize efficiency and productivity, and to conserve water • Companion Planting – to take advantage of the beneficial synergy between certain plants • Carbon Farming – growing fertilizer while growing food • Calorie Farming – growing the greatest number of calories per pound of food • The Use of Open-Pollinated Seeds – to encourage farmer independence and regional food security • A Whole-System Farming Method – using all aspects of the system to create a healthy, sustainable farm This means that, using GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farming techniques, small farmers can grow food using: • 67% to 88% less water. So they still may grow food in a drought, like the one taking place in Kenya right now. • 50% to 100% less pu...
Product and Business Promotion and Review, Planting Corn, Rice, Vegetables, Citrus, and tree crops Consultant. Cancer Diet and Medical Mentor, Physical Fitness Guide