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Nuggets of Wisdom

Absorb and accumulate wisdom , have some good words to share and use it in your own. Have this book that contain inspiration and motivation to move on , no matter what situation will come to your life. This book had contain different quotation from men and women that become famous and popular through ages . Get yourself upfront, have this book. Text us for orders, 09175015680 We give FREE consultation and seminar about health and personal development.

Healing Wonders of Charcoal

A book that will help us get away from cancer and will help us manage cancer cells to kill or stop them from infecting and destructing our body. A book that will open our mind to the different use of charcoal for healing and preventing different illness sicknesses. Text us for orders, 09175015680 We give FREE seminar and consultation about health and personal development.

The Bible Story

We know a lot of stories, good and bad. But do we know some stories from the Bible that helped men and women become noble and strong? Make and prepare your children become good example and a leader, have them a book that will guide them to be transformed. Text us for orders, 09175015680 We will be glad to give you FREE consultation and seminar about health and personal development.

The Story of Redemption

We came from someone, and we are grabbed by another one, The story of redemption will open our eyes and mind to let us know who we are, and where we are going. Text us for orders, 09175015680 We give free consultation and seminar about health and personal development. 

Prescription to Health Book for Sale

We don't always have protection from sickness and diseases , though we can improve our immune system. And we can't always afford to get a physical checkup and consultation from a doctor. This book will give you FREE consultation and prescription for your illnesses. It deals about different illnesses from head to toe . So don't drain your budget for doctors consultation and checkup . Have this book and make it your guide in maintaining your good health. Text us for orders, 09175015680. We conduct FREE consultation and seminar about health and education.

Health and Home Book bound for Sale

Today, it is really hard to maintain health and happy home . You need to learn a lot and consult people who have lots of experience, and succeed in facing a lot of problems and burdens . And, you need to spend a lot of money and effort to update and equip yourself with needed knowledge and wisdom . With this book you don't need to spend a lot to learn and update yourself daily. Different expert in home , health , education , and in growing up physically and intellectually had compiled their solutions in this book to help you handle situations. Have your copy now, for only 1,100 pesos, plus delivery. The price is so small compared to the benefits it can give. Text us, 09175015680 We give free consultation and seminar about health, professional growth , farming, selling and others.