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Showing posts with the label Anxiety

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Knowing and controlling Anxiety

Anxiety may occur with other conditions, such as alcohol abuse , drug abuse , and depression . Causes Anxiety disorders may result from a combination of factors, such as: Genetics Factors in the environment Chemical imbalances in the brain (e.g., serotonin, norepinephrine) may also play a role. Risk Factors Factors that may increase the risk of anxiety disorders include: Sex: female Family member with anxiety disorders Stressful life events Poor coping strategies History of physical or psychological trauma Symptoms Psychological symptoms may include: Worry or dread Obsessive or intrusive thoughts Sense of imminent danger or catastrophe Fear or panic Restlessness Irritability Impatience Ambivalence (uncertainty) Trouble concentrating Physical symptoms may include: Rapid heartbeat Sweating (especially the palms) Dry mouth Flushing or blushing Muscle tension Shortness of breath Feeling lightheaded or fainting Difficulty sleeping Shaking Cho...