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The Complete and Updated Guide for Rice Production


Things that you must know and needed to prepare in order to have a successful rice production in your farm. Rice production for direct seeded and transplanted rice. Cultural practices that are still suitable in rice production.


Rice Production Guide and Procedures


 The Philippines main crop during rainy season is rice, and Filipinos are rice eating people, that is why the demand of rice is high. There are several varieties of rice available in the country today, there are a lot of it in the province of Nueva Ecija, the Philippine’s rice granary.

 There are two ways of planting rice;

1.      Direct seeding- directly sow in the field, sustain and nurture it until harvest.

2.      Transplanted- sow in a seedbed first, then transplanted after 15-30 days.

 Select rice seeds suited for the period, climate, and soil texture of the farm. Find the seeds of your choice, be sure to obtain them from good source. Prepare your inputs; seeds, fertilizer, insecticide, fungicide, and foliar fertilizer, they are essential to obtain high or your target harvest.

 For direct seeding, prepare the area to be planted, plowing it then apply water to loosen the soil then make it plain by using rotavator, harrow, or hand tractor. Put levees if needed to control the level of water, you may spray 3k fertilizer to speed up the conversion of plant remains into organic materials needed by the plant. Three days before the scheduled direct seeding, soak the seeds in water for twelve hours, replace the water every six hours if you’re using drum or basin. After twelve hours remove the water from the basin, put it in a shady part, cover it to avoid direct exposure to sunlight, check it after twenty-four hours if there is a sign of germination, if the roots began to come out, it is now ready to be sown. Put about two to three inches’ water deep to the area to be direct seeded to avoid dislocation of seeds during unexpected rainfall, then drain the water after fifteen hours to allow the seeds fast germination.

 For transplanted rice, prepare the seedbed, while preparing the seedbed you may now soak the seeds for twenty fours, same process done in direct seeding seeds of rice. The quantity of rice seeds sown in a seedbed depend on how thick and wide is the spacing you desire in planting rice.

For example, you may prepare 120-130 kilos 15 x 15 meters of seedbed for 1 hectare.

Here are the activities and schedule to take note in rice production for 1-hectare rice field;



Needed Materials

Required Manpower

Land preparation 1-2x plowing

1-2 weeks before transplanting.

1-2 weeks before sowing

Tractor with stable or rotavator

1-2 persons

Preparing and fixing levees

1 week before planting or transplanting

Plow, string, and shovel

3 persons

Preparing field for sowing and transplanting/ spraying 3k fertilizer

2-3 days before sowing and transplanting

Hand tractor, rotavator, and sprayer

3 persons

Sowing and transplanting

Sowing: Zero days of seeds

Transplanting: 15-25 days of seedlings

Sower and Trans planter

3 persons for sowing

Machine, or 10 persons for transplanting

First application of fertilizer

1 week after sowing or trans planting

100kg urea and 50kg complete fertilizer

3 persons

Herbicide application, depends on weeds kind, growth, and quantity

Pre-emergence herbicide 1-2 days after transplanting.

Post-emergence, 2-3 weeks after transplanting or sowing

Pre-emergence Machete.

Post-emergence with broad leaves and grasses Nominee one or almix, Grasses Finale

2-3 persons

Second application of fertilizer

To yellowish and smaller rice plant after application of herbicide

50 kg urea

1-2 persons

Foliar application

3-4 weeks after sowing or transplanting

3k fertilizer 70-100 ml to 16 liters of water, chelated calcium 50-70 grams, anaa 400% 10ml, silwet 7ml

2-3 persons

Foliar application and insecticide

7 weeks after sowing or transplanting

Anaa 400% 10ml to 16 liters of water, 3k organic 35ml, power grower combo, silwet, cartap or prevathon

1-2 persons

Last application of fertilizer

8 weeks after sowing

8-9 after transplanting

150 kg urea

1-2 person

Last application of foliar and insecticide

10 weeks, or at panicle initiation

Power grower combo 4scoops in 16 liters of water, chelated calcium 60grams, 3k fertilizer 100ml, heavyweight tandem 4 scoops, prevathon 20ml, and silwet 7ml

1-2 persons


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