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Showing posts from April, 2023

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

Making Your Corn Grow Faster and Healthier

Here is your guide on how to grow corn faster and healthier, making your investment count. Planting and producing corn is easy, but knowing the proper method of maintaining and sustaining the corn will be better. You need to know the timing and frequency of fertilizing and irrigating. To gain and harvest more in planting corn, you need to learn the proper timing of application of fertilizer, others are applying more fertilizer to harvest more, but putting more inorganic fertilizer will make your soil acidic and fertilizer dependent to make your plants grow faster and taller. Start using organic fertilizer to back up inorganic fertilizer, you can try our method in producing more corn. The time had change, before, BT corn is insect resistant, now the insects had become resistant to BT corn, so we need to protect them with insecticide. Granular insecticide before is effective to control insects, now, that granular insecticide isn't effective to control corn insects. If you want to be ...

Why I Loved Farming and Continue this Passion; The move that Changed my Life

How to start and continue your passion in any venture, what you must do and need to nurture daily to develop it.  I grew up in a farm and developed as a farmer during my teenage and adulthood, but when I got married at age of 24, my father pushed me to get employed, for me to be ready for the needs of my family, I finished Bachelor of Science in Agriculture major in Agricultural Extension, but due to honest mistake in preparing my transcript of records which was prepared major in Agricultural Education, I was given a chance to took licensure examination for teachers then luckily passed. My wife was an employed private school teacher before we got married, she can sustain our needs as newly wed couple, but when she got pregnant I thought that I need to be employed to sustain my family. I stayed out of farm for seventeen years, I've been employed as Public Secondary School Teacher, and while in the teaching job, I have tried different ways to multiply my income because we were blesse...

Global Farmer Network Nomination for the next roundtable on September (11-15) in Washington DC is NOW GOING ON

We are looking for farmer from the following countries; Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos or any country belong to South East Asia, to be nominated for Global Farmer Network. The next Roundtable and Leadership Communication Training program will be held September 10-16, 2023 in Washington, DC. Do you believe agriculture is part of the solution to solving many of today’s challenges, not the problem? Do you agree that the worlds farmers, regardless of type or size, have practical expertise, experience, and perspective that provides important information necessary to dispel myths surrounding modern agriculture and inform science-based policies that are created a long way from the field? Do you know a farmer who embraces technology and the application of science within agriculture, understanding the value it brings in meeting the challenges of food security driven by a growing population and climate change? Is that farmer you?, then join us now! The Global Farmer Net...