A few months ago, after witnessing the uniform germination of NK 6410 yellow hybrid corn, five days after sowing, I have decided to set a target goal of 16tons yellow corn in one hectare though I only have half hectare of corn. I set the date of applying fertilizer and irrigation, I immediately applied 75kg. of urea fertilizer in a half hectare 7 days after sowing, then at 8 days irrigate it. After 18 days I sprayed it with glyphosate herbicide then applied the last side dress fertilizer. At 20 days I sprayed ANAA and Power Grower Combo , I repeated it in 30 days, then vibitall and Heavyweight Tandem in 40 days. I did not attain my target harvest of 8 tons, but I am very much happy and satisfied with what I've got. Watch the video and find out my reward in attaining my goal.
Product and Business Promotion and Review, Planting Corn, Rice, Vegetables, Citrus, and tree crops Consultant. Cancer Diet and Medical Mentor, Physical Fitness Guide