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Showing posts from April, 2021

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

Learn how to spray herbicide beside string beans, it eliminates much effort in weeding

 Weeds and grasses are still problems in crop production today, they require manual or mechanical process to be removed, besides they require a lot of labor because they keep on germinating again and again. But gone are those days, now we have a lot of chemicals that will control weeds production and germination, and it takes a little longer for them to grow again once they are affected by the chemical solution. You can also apply or spray the chemical solution between crops, watch our video to learn the process. 

How to use micro-organism lactobacillus to degrade or remove odor and turn biodegradable waste materials into organic fertilizer

 If we want organic materials to be used in our garden, here is a product that could help us make organic fertilizer, degrade odor, and decompose waste materials turning it into effective organic fertilizer. Watch the video for further explanation, it is easy to prepare and use, it is not harmful, and it is very much usable. You can use it in your household, remove odors and some unwanted micro-organisms. Buy Xemas here.

What are correct and not correct process in vegetables production || Question and Answer

 This video is an answer to some question of follower in our Youtube channel, the answers are based on our personal experience and acquired knowledge from our research. If you have questions regarding farming, you can put your comment in our video. Listen carefully to our answers so that you will also gain from what we explained. Good luck and never give give up.

Land and Planting Preparation Using Hand Tractor

 Things change, methods change, and procedure change. The video below will show you how we change the method and procedure of transplanting tomato and hot pepper, though what you can see in the video is the land preparation process, this procedure will eliminate some process like the manual watering of transplanted seedlings, which will require two to three times watering until it will recover and established. It will also eliminate the off baring and hilling up of soil for the purpose of cultivation, fertilization, and  weeds removal. Drenching of fertilizer in this procedure is also easy.

How to prepare and spray foliar fertilizer

 Do you know how to use foliar fertilizer? Do you know how to prepare and spray foliar fertilizer? We will show you how to prepare the mixture, and spray foliar fertilizer in the video below.  Making your plant and crops healthy are not only through watering, applying fertilizer, sunlight exposure, and spraying insecticide. You can still enhance and boost the crop performance and yield by spraying appropriate and needed foliar fertilizer, because not all foliar fertilizer have same ingredients that will help the plant boost its performance. The procedure shown in the video can be applied to hot pepper, eggplant, corn, rice, okra, string beans,  papaya, calamansi, citrus, watermelon, and other crops. If you have some questions, please comment below.