If you want to know and see simple plot preparation in planting siling labuyo, you must watch the video below. It is not hard to prepare the plot for siling labuyo if you have hand tractor, and in order to have fertile soil to be planted, you must apply organic fertilizer. There are a lot of inputs to be prepared if you wish to have successful hot pepper production. Some inputs to be prepared for 2500 square meter area are the following; Organic fertilizer 1,250 kilos Calcium Nitrate 100 kilos Yara mila Winner 200 kilos Viking ship urea 100 kilos Fungicide Pegasus insecticide 1 liter Deltaking insecticide 500 ml ANAA plant growth promotant 1 liter Power grower Combo 3 kilos Heavy weight tandem 2 kilos Vibitall 500ml
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