The 8 elements of BIOINTENSIVE:
• Double-Dug, Raised Beds – to create a healthy environment for roots and beneficial soil organisms
• Composting – to provide healthy, inexpensive fertilizer that keeps the soil producing year after year
• Intensive Planting – to maximize efficiency and productivity, and to conserve water
• Companion Planting – to take advantage of the beneficial synergy between certain plants
• Carbon Farming – growing fertilizer while growing food
• Calorie Farming – growing the greatest number of calories per pound of food
• The Use of Open-Pollinated Seeds – to encourage farmer independence and regional food security
• A Whole-System Farming Method – using all aspects of the system to create a healthy, sustainable farm
This means that, using GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farming techniques, small farmers can grow food using:
• 67% to 88% less water. So they still may grow food in a drought, like the one taking place in Kenya right now.
• 50% to 100% less purchased
fertilizer. So they can still grow food even when they don’t have much money.
• 99% less energy than conventional agriculture, while using a fraction of the resources. So they don’t contribute to agricultural pollution. In fact, GROW BIOINTENSIVE helps sequester carbon in the soil, which helps reduce greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere.
...and that GROW BIOINTENSIVE, when used as recommended by Ecology Action, can also help farmers:
• Produce up to 2 to 6 times more food per unit of land, as compared with conventional agriculture. This means more food security and less poverty, particularly for those who need it most: small farmers in developing coun-tries.
• Build fertile soil – sustainably – up to 60 times faster than nature. So farmers can continue to feed their fami-lies and communities into the future, without destroying their environment.
• Reduce the amount of land needed to grow equivalent amounts of food and compost materials by as much as 50% or more, as compared with conventional agriculture. This means protected ecosystems, more wild-land, safer wildlife, and a healthier, happier planet for us all.
• Double-Dug, Raised Beds – to create a healthy environment for roots and beneficial soil organisms

• Intensive Planting – to maximize efficiency and productivity, and to conserve water
• Companion Planting – to take advantage of the beneficial synergy between certain plants
• Carbon Farming – growing fertilizer while growing food
• Calorie Farming – growing the greatest number of calories per pound of food
• The Use of Open-Pollinated Seeds – to encourage farmer independence and regional food security
• A Whole-System Farming Method – using all aspects of the system to create a healthy, sustainable farm
This means that, using GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farming techniques, small farmers can grow food using:
• 67% to 88% less water. So they still may grow food in a drought, like the one taking place in Kenya right now.
• 50% to 100% less purchased
fertilizer. So they can still grow food even when they don’t have much money.

...and that GROW BIOINTENSIVE, when used as recommended by Ecology Action, can also help farmers:
• Produce up to 2 to 6 times more food per unit of land, as compared with conventional agriculture. This means more food security and less poverty, particularly for those who need it most: small farmers in developing coun-tries.

• Reduce the amount of land needed to grow equivalent amounts of food and compost materials by as much as 50% or more, as compared with conventional agriculture. This means protected ecosystems, more wild-land, safer wildlife, and a healthier, happier planet for us all.
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