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Healed 5000 People From Cancer

Rick Simpson, one of the world’s cannabis icons, rushed to Belgrade as soon as he learned there’s a debate about medical marijuana use. He’s a man who healed more than 5000 people with this plant.
The foreign guests at Belgrade debate again confirmed their beliefs that Broz was the one that banned the use of cannabis, probably on behalf of the pharmaceutical mafia. Simpson believes that cannabis was used for centuries as treatment of cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy etc. Rick is a self-taught doctor, and a mechanical engineer otherwise, who tried this cure on himself when he had the most severe type of skin cancer, about 12 years ago. “I always say to people – cannabis will heal you, or you will realize that it is the best cure that currently exists in the world!”, says Rick for Telegraph.
In 2002, after doctors operated 3 legions on his face skin several times unsuccessfully, they told Rick that his time had run off. The lesions would just reappear after a while. Since he studied plants as a hobby, one day, while looking at the scars in a mirror, he remembered about a study on the effects of the THC on cancer. He immediately took out previously prepared cannabis oil and started the treatment. He dripped some oil on the wounds, covered them with the bandages and
waited for days. After just 4 days, the wound was gone, and the skin was pink again! He told everyone about how he cured himself but no one believed him. “Everyone laughed at me, but here eleven and a half years have passed, the cancer didn’t return”, Rick says.
Of all the people he helped, he picks the last one as the most interesting, where an 80-year-old men was on his deathbed with lung cancer. The doctor’s prognosis was that the man has 48 hours to live, and his son brought him to Rick. He was in bad shape: open wounds on the legs, swollen from chemotherapy, barely breathing… Rick offered them cannabis oil therapy, and the son went to his father’s doctor, who of course declined to treat the old man with cannabis. But the son acted on his own and gave cannabis oil to his father – amazingly, in just half an hour his father started breathing normally again!
The doctors told him that the vital functions will return to his father before death. But the son checked out his father from the hospital and forbid him to take any of the prescribed medicine that day (24 in total!). They continued using the cannabis oil, and after 6 weeks of therapy he had no need for insulin, and it took 3 months for the cancer to go away! Rick stresses that age is not an issue for applying cannabis oil therapy.
Rick needed raw cannabis for the treatment so he started cultivating marijuana. In 3 years, the police had raided his filed 4 times! He mentions that everyone in North America who publicly claims that he can cure cancer is threatened with a jail sentence from 5 to 40 years! He only spent 4 days in jail, and he was sentenced for cultivating, owning and selling marijuana in 2005. He got out with a 2000 dollar fine, but he was threatened with 12 years of prison!
What hurt him the most was that the jurors were people who had their dearest cured by Rick’s cannabis oil! The judge knew it was a farce; they didn’t allow for patients or doctors to testify, nor they allowed for Rick to show a pile of medical documents about the oil effects. “If you don’t know the meaning of “coward court” go to Canada and you will be clear!” Simpson says, adding that people in Europe are not brainwashed by cannabis use like in North America.
Rick never sold weed in his life. Disappointed by everything, he gave it away to sick people, and posted the recipe on Many fake oils are sold and advertised as Rick’s on the market – but Rick has a specific way of treatment with his oil, consisting of doses of several drops 3 times a day. He claims that the oil is faster and easier to prepare than coffee.
“The usual dose I give for cancer is 60 grams within 90 days. By the way, it is never late for the patient to start cannabis oil therapy. There isn’t such excuse as, “It is late” … If you ask me if I approve smoking of marijuana, I will tell you it isn’t off course efficient as cannabis oil, but it is scientifically proven that people who smoke marijuana live six years longer than those who don’t”, explains Simpson, and adds that all the governments in the world should allow people to cultivate cannabis for medical purposes, and open pharmacies where people can get it for free if they can’t cultivate it.
“Not many people know that cannabis has been used hundreds of years before Christ as one of the most healing remedies. In the ancient Persian religious scripts where among other are described the most healing herbs, the first place had fallen right on cannabis!” Rick says and he continues: “People have the right to cannabis, free medicine given to them by nature, taken by medical gangsters because of pure greed!”


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