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Varicose veins Home Remedies

Chili peppers contain properties that can be helpful in decongesting your clogged veins. In return blood circulation is improved. Many specialists to their patients with varicose veins actually recommend the consumption of chili peppers.
You can use garlic as a substitute, if you are not a big fan of chili peppers. Garlic can help reduce the inflammation brought about by poor blood circulation in your veins. Many experts advise patients that if they cannot consume garlic to at least insert it into their daily diet. You can use it as a cream, if you are still not used to eating garlic. Add a bit of alcohol and mince some garlic cloves. Apply the solution four times a week on your veiny legs.
Apple Cider Vinegar

In order to reduce the inflammation, you don’t have to consume apple cider vinegar. All you have to do is to moisten a clean cloth or a towel with this vinegar and place it on top of your varicose veins. For a few minutes, leave the cloth there. You can also massage the areas, but start from the bottom part and move your way upward. Make sure that you’re not applying too much pressure, when you massage the affected areas.
Aloe Vera has a cooling effect, which is known to relieve people from pain. The hot version though can be used to treat your varicose veins. Apply the gel to the veiny areas and leave them to stay overnight. Other benefits from Aloe Vera

Treatment Recipes
You can also make your own recipe or you can follow these two recipes for varicose veins treatment:
  1. Leafy Recipe: You need chamomile leaves, laurel, two liters of water and mint. Boil these ingredients and let them steep up for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the solution can be applied on your varicose veins. You can also put the solution in a tub or basin where you can easily soak your feet. If you add sodium bicarbonate it becomes even more powerful. Be warned though that this recipe can cause urticarial in some patients.
  2. Creamy Recipe: Have Aloe Vera gel ready along with carrots and apple cider vinegar. Put these three in a food processor or a blender and mix them until you see you have created a thick homogenous paste. Apply the paste for about 30 minutes and rinse it off with cold water after.
Other Solutions
Here are more home remedies you can use to treat varicose veins:
  1. Essential Oils: Use essential oils when massaging your legs that have varicose veins. Make sure that you start with your feet and move upward instead of the other way around. Always be gentle and move in a circular way. It is recommended that you massage yourself at night before you sleep.
  2. Green Clay Ointment: Prepare a paste or ointment using green clay and mix it with a bit of water. When ready, apply the ointment to your legs or feet and leave it there overnight. You can wash it in the morning with warm water and unscented soap.
  3. Chestnut Bark Tea: Boil 50 grams of chestnut bark for about 10 minutes to make a tea in one liter of water. Drink the hot tea, which helps reduce swelling.
  4. Immersion Baths: Relax in a tub with water, sea salt, one cup of apple cider vinegar, and of course. Soak your legs in the tub, and keep them soaked for about 20 minutes. While you are doing this remedy, you can massage your legs.
  5. At the end, be sure that you are eating a balanced diet. Many people who are overweight or obese get varicose veins. You can prevent this by eating lean protein, such as fruits, healthy foods and. vegetables.

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