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Tamarind Health Benefits (Sampaloc)

Tamarind is a well known fruit in the Philippines also known as sampaloc. This fruit is grown in countries with tropical climates such as Africa, Thailand and India. During each season, the tree bears irregularly curved pods, and each pod has thick outer shell encased within a deep brown pod. It is a sweet and tangy tamarind that is widely used condiment in South Asian kitchens.
Tamarind is rich in Vitamins and Minerals and has said to be an essential source of nutrition for fewer options. Among those considerably benefits stands out are as follows:
  • A good source of antioxidant fighting against cancer.
  • It contains carotenes and flavanoids.
  • Protects against Vitamin C deficiency.
  • Helps digest foods.
  • It lowers cholesterol.
  • It is used to treat bile disorders.
  • Promotes healthy heart.
  • Heals the inflammation of skin to great extent.
  • Used as blood purifier.
Hence, tamarind leaves are used for spicing up soup, and as herbal medicine to treat sprains and swelling. The decoction of Tamarind leaves can also be used in treating jaundice and ulcers, and is said to be a worm destroyer for children. Dilute tamarind decoction can help in destroying the stomach worms in children. In the Philippines, the leaves of Tamarind have been traditionally used in herbal tea for reducing malaria fever.
In addition, a juice extracted from tamarind flowers are usually used for treating piles.
Nevertheless, tamarind can be made as juice. It can be combined with any other traditional medicines or other alternative medicine and greatly contain several benefits to our body.
Health Benefits of Tamarind Juice:
  • A refreshing drink.
  • Slakes thirst and has cooling effect.
  • Contains Vitamin B3.
  • Good for digestive disorders.
  • Gives energy and helps produce blood.
  • Regulates intestinal activity.
  • Helps get rid of intestinal worms.
  • Treats bronchitis and sore throats.
  • Restore malfunction intestines and other organ for digestions.
  • Removes habitual constipation.
Tamarind Juice is also a rich source of antioxidants, which protects the body against the damage of free radicals. It also helps in overall health and the immune system such as prevention of oxidation of cholesterol, which prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of arteries to lessen the risk of coronary heart disease. Thus, tamarind juice makes a healthy additional diet for those suffering from coronary heart disease.
Furthermore, tamarind juice is said to be beneficial for diabetic people. It helps reduce the risk of diabetes by fighting against the development of coronary heart disease. According to study, diabetic people who consume tamarind juice before meal usually do not have a sharp spike in blood sugar levels that follow a meal.
In such cases, tamarind juice is also a good source for losing weight as well as in case of obesity where they need to control their blood sugar levels.
In preparing tamarind juice, you will need to prepare the following:
  • Two cups tamarind pulp
  • Two quarts boiling water
  • Two table spoons sugar to taste
  • Two tablespoons lime juice and honey (both optional)
Procedures in preparing tamarind juice:
  1. In a tea kettle, bring to boil two quarts of water.
  2. Place the tamarind pulp in a heat proof mixing bowl or baking dish.
  3. Add lime juice if any.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tamarind.
  5. Stir in sugar or honey.
  6. Cover and stand overnight.
  7. Strain the tamarind water through a strainer or a clean cloth.
  8. Dilute more with water and add more sugar to taste.
  9. Refrigerate and serve with ice.
Try adding Tamarind Juice to your daily diet and experience those various benefits for a healthy body and improve your overall health!

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