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Pandan Leaves Health Benefits

Natural plants have unique varieties which can aid different ailments. One of these popular I
guess is the Pandan Leaves. I have this plant in my garden which I frequently use in cooking rice and some various desserts. Recently, I have learned some numerous benefits I could get in using Pandan Leaves which I am about to share with you.
First, let me introduce to you what Pandan Leaves are? These are also called Pandan Plant which is very popular for its aromatic flavors. Most predominantly used in the Southeast Asian cooking and is known to be barren.
As many people observed, the uses of pandan plant are not limited in cooking uses. Each part has been found to have medicinal benefits containing tannin, glycosides and alkaloids, which said to be the reason for the effectiveness of such various health concerns.

As a matter of fact, Pandan Leaves is extremely useful for healing various wounds and diseases such as smallpox, and is said to be a great pain reliever in such headache, chest pain, arthritis, earache and a fever reducer as well. It is also believed freshen the breath and reduce gum and mouth pain by chewing its leaf.
In addition, each leaf of pandan is also effective in reducing stomach cramps and stomach spasm. It the same manner, many people discovered and proved that it is an effective remedy for cough as well. So it is well considered being one of your best chose to plant and introduce in your garden.
Below are summary benefits of Pandan Leaves:
  • Relieves headache and arthritis.
  • Treats ear pains.
  • Eases chest pains.
  • Reduces fever.
  • Treats leprosy, wounds and smallpox.
  • As a laxative for children
  • Solve several skin problems.
  • Strengthen gums and reduces stomach spasms.
  • Helps in speeding in the recuperation of women who have just given birth and are still weak.
There are so many ways and preparations you can make using pandan leaves. One is to cook with the juice or add gelatin into it to make a buko pandan. You can as well make a juice by boiling the leaves and letting them steep. Here’s how.
  1. Gather a bunch of Pandan leaves according on how much aromatic you want your juice and tie them into a knot so that it will be easier to remove from water later.
  2. Fill in 2/3 warm water in a large pot.
  3. Drop the knot of pandan leaves into the water then bring to boil .
  4. Let the leaves boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Reduce the heat to simmer and cover the pot. Simmer the leaves for another 10 minutes until the leaves soften and the water turns green.
  6. Remove the leaves from the juice. Let the juice cool to room temperature and transfer it to an air-tight container.
  7. Store the juice in the refrigerator up to 7 days.
Hence, pandan flowers are rare. However, it is said to be aphrodisiac, which can stimulate sexual desire.
This was something about the Pandan Leaves. If you know anything about the uses and benefits of Pandan leaves, share it with me!

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