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Miraculous Guyabano – Ten Health benefits of Guyabano (Soursop)

Who knows the benefits of Guyabano?
We often enjoy eating different kinds of fruits because it tastes good. However, we may sometimes did not aware the benefit it has.
I am an avid of fruits. One of the fruits I love to eat in season is Guyabano also known in western countries as soursop.
Did you know that this fruit is considered as the most potent agent and a well known naturally fighter against cancer, ten thousand times stronger than chemotherapy? And has therefore claimed to be a miraculous as it aids the effect of tumor?

Not only that! Guyabano can also prevent Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ).
Find out more about this spiky fruit loaded with various prevention against infection and diseases together with its health benefits!
Ten Health benefits of Guyabano (Sousop)
  1. Helps the body produce energy -  Guyabano can supply enough good amount of thiamin which is needed in the process of converting sugar into usable energy.
  2. Keep bones healthy – Guyabano is loaded with calcium about 25 percent as prevention from bone loss.
  3. Boots cholesterol levels – Guyabano is a good source of niacin which known as vitamin that is significant for a good cholesterol levels.
  4. Prevents anemia – An iron provider which prevents blood disorder.
  5. Prevents migraine – This fruit carries riboflavin which helps in the prevention of headache.
  6. Prevents Constipation -  Sousop is rich in fiber which can aid in losing weight and lowers the risk of colon problems.
  7. Prevents urinary tract infection – A good source of Vitamin C, which helps in decreasing the number of harmful bacteria present in the urinary tract.
  8. Prevents leg cramps – Like banana, guyabano is also a good source of potassium which fight against muscle weakness.
  9. Prevents water retention – It helps women lessen their premenstrual symptoms.
  10. Prevents pregnancy complications – Folate is present in soursop fruit which prevents deficiency in pregnant women in order to prevent pregnancy loss.
And of course, Guyabano can also be consumed in the form of juice. Here is how.
Guyabano Juice Preparations
  1. Wash the guyabano then cut into quarter.
  2. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
  3. Remove all the seeds and those hard portions.
  4. Add 2 cups of water and strain the puree using a blender.
  5. Add more water then mix with sugar and lemon juice.
  6. Chill or add ice to it.
With this, Guyabano Juice is considered prevention to some common diseases such as fever, due to its Vitamin C content. Moreover, with Vitamin C content, Guyabano juice also has minerals content which helps our bones stronger, which then prevents us from having osteoporosis and other known bone disorder.
Looking for a weight reducer? Guyabano offers you fiber which helps you rationalized your digestive process and avoid from some digestion disorder as well as reduce your appetite from craving.
What keeps you doubtful from drinking Guyabano Juice?

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