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Cured Pneumonia in 3 hours using natural medicine

Flu shots only weaken the immune system – especially when you consider that flu vaccines are loaded with
unwanted (toxic) ingredients like, mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Adding insult to injury, the most deadly cases of ‘viral pneumonia’ are treated with antibiotics – which are completely ineffective against viruses. Fortunately, once again, the natural health world has a solution – which has been systematically ignored by western medicine for decades.

One vitamin kills pneumonia on contact

Since the 1940’s, proven by Frederick Klenner, M.D. plus many other medical doctors, over 30 diseases (including pneumonia) have been easily cured by taking adequate amounts of vitamin C. In truth, the benefits of vitamin c have been well documented throughout history – in the scientific literature – and NaturalHealth365 has made it a point to highlight its healing powers – for some time now.Ask any (honest) physician and they’ll tell you that antibiotics will not help you – if you suffer from a viral infection. But, even if your health troubles stem from an ‘unfriendly’ bacterial overload – vitamin C can do wonders without damaging your intestinal flora, which (eventually) compromises your immune system. Still not convinced that vitamin C can cure pneumonia?

Listen now – to a portion of my exclusive interview with Dr. Andrew Saul. His personal story of recovery from pneumonia – in just 3 hours – is remarkable to say the least. In addition, after a number of failed attempts by conventional medicine, you’ll learn how one child fully recovered from serious upper respiratory dis-ease, naturally.

What are my vitamin C options?

Keep in mind, not all vitamin C supplements are created equal. If your vitamin C supplement is derived from corn – be sure it’s a non-GMO variety. Simply ask the manufacturer – you may be surprised to discover what they admit on the telephone.

If you should decide to take vitamin C orally in powder, capsule or liquid form – just remember that you may experience bowel intolerance (loose stool) – once you reach your threshold. Everyone is different – depending on health history and current state of health. Liposomal or IV vitamin C will help to avoid this issue plus increase your cellular absorption rate.

Naturally, if you suffer with any serious health condition, it would be best to find a physician that understands the power of vitamin C. How do you know? Just ask and don’t be intimidated – after all, it’s your good health that matters most.

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