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The Calcium Nitrate


It is a fertilizer made up of two nutrients, with a white grainy appearance that dissolves quickly in
water and can be absorbed rapidly by plants. It is an perfect combination of %15.5 nitrogen in nitrate form that rapidly dissolves in water and %26.5 calcium. Its nitrate nitrogen and fully water soluble calcium combination provides good affects not found in any other fertilizer.


This is a greenhouse -type fertilizer, pure in composition and of uncoated granules that dissolves completely in water. Its greenhouse type is used in greenhouse and outdoor conditions where irrigation is done by drip or spring
irrigation systems or as foliar feeding. The "Field" type is a coated-type fertilizer which is suitable for hand sowing or by machine, and is less soluble than the "Greenhouse" type. In outdoor farming it is suitable for fertilization after planting.


Calcium nitrate contains two of the basic nourishment elements that plants must have: Nitrate nitrogen and calcium. Calcium nitrate is the best choice for any kind of plants in all soils and climates for top fertilization. Because of the combined intake of the calcium and the nitrate by the plants, there is no residue in the roots as with some other types of fertilization. The positive effected combination of these two basic nourishment elements does not leave the soil salty. The effect of the nitrogen in nitrate form on the roots is such that the water-soluble calcium is more easily absorbed and thus better provides the plant with its calcium requirements.



Nitrogen in nitrate form is plants' preferred form of nitrogen. It helps plants absorb other nutrients in addition to calcium. Particularly in clay soils, ammonium may trap the nitrogen in the soil, thus rendering it unavailable to the plant. Nitrate, on the other hand, does not absorb the nitrate nitrogen to the soil. It remains in the root area in a form that is easy to absorb and in this way allows the plant to quickly receive its nutrients requirements.


Calcium is a macro nourishment element that plants consume a lot of. It s compound of cell wall. It is frequently found in soil in a compound form that plants cannot use. It does not transport well in plants. For this reason, it is necessary to do calcium fertilization in addition to other kinds of fertilization. Plants cannot grow without calcium. After nitrogen and potassium, calcium is the next most consumed requirement of plants.


In addition to being nutrition for plants, calcium nitrate has a amelioration effect on the soil. It facilitates the transformation of minerals in clay soil to a form more easily used by plants. In irrigated soils with less calcium or a lot of sodium, the clay layer can become compact. As a result, water and oxygen activity is reduced and the development of the plant is adversely affected. Calcium forces separation of the clay layer and gives soil a more porous appearance.


  • It increases yield and quality
  • it builds up resistance to disease and pests
  • it provides resistance during transport
  • it extends the storage life of fruits
  • rapid absorption of calcium and nitrate
  • it contains no filler or additives
  • it doesn’t steam, wash or burn
  • it doesn’t create alkaline conditions
  • it does not create salt conditions

The presence of calcium carbonate (lime) in the soil does not mean that the plant can get enough calcium. Calcium carbonate does not dissolve well in water. Particularly in drip or spring irrigation applications, calcium nitrate should be used alone and not in combination with sulfurous or phosphorous fertilizers. It should not be used in combination with agricultural chemical. In storage, calcium nitrate should not be kept in wet conditions and should always be stored in closed packages.

Other Sources

Calcium nitrate is the only water soluble form of calcium. Because it is also a source of nitrogen, it is commonly used in liquid fertilizer recipes to deliver both of these essential nutrients to growing plants. When nutrient deficiencies are noticed, apply calcium nitrate in complete fertilizer recipes or as a nutrient spray.

Role of Calcium

Calcium plays a role in the formation of plant cell walls and is essential for seed production in some plants. It helps to regulate the transfer of proteins through cell walls and detoxifies plants by neutralizing organic acids. Deficiencies of calcium cause the tips of young leaves to turn brown and die. When calcium is deficient, leaves may also curl and blossoms can drop prematurely. Calcium deficiencies in apples trees result in cork spots in the fruit.

Role of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is a component of every protein and is therefore essential for plant growth, photosynthesis and enzymatic reactions. This nutrient is often required in much higher amounts than other macro-nutrients during growth phases when a plant is not producing fruit. Deficiencies are recognized by slow growth of new shoots, pale colored leaves in the middle of the growing season, fewer leaves than in previous years and early release of leaves before the arrival of autumn.

Complete Liquid Fertilizer

Calcium nitrate is dissolved into a dilute solution because, if too concentrated, it can form insoluble precipitates with magnesium and phosphate salts. A final volume of 25 gallons will ensure that the nutrients remain in solution. Dissolve each ingredient separately in warm water before adding to the final solution tank, adding calcium nitrate last to ensure it is sufficiently dilute. For a final volume of 25 gallons of water, add the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon potassium phosphate, 4 teaspoons potassium nitrate, 4 teaspoons magnesium sulfate and 7 teaspoons calcium nitrate. A separate solution of micronutrients should also be added.

Nutrient Spray

Nutrient sprays are used to treat deficiencies by spraying nutrients onto the leaves for absorption. Calcium deficiencies are usually treated with sprays because soil treatments can take extended periods to reach the entire plant. Dilute a solution of 6 to 11 percent calcium by adding 1 cup to 25 gallons of water to create a spray for use in the first half of the growing season for calcium deficiencies. You can also use calcium nitrate in a spray for treating magnesium deficiencies in the following recipe: 3 pounds calcium nitrate and 5 pounds magnesium sulfate dissolved in 25 gallons of water.

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