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How To Get Bigger, Better Orgasms

Here are some tips and tricks on how to make every orgasm better and enjoy more of them.
Increase the buildup. Take longer getting there, stop, and restart. The more tease, the bigger the please. Start. Stop. Restart.
Come and come again. Go for multiple orgasms. Make the lovemaking last longer. Not every time, but once in a while, treat lovemaking as though it’s a marathon. It’s not the finish line that’s the goal, but the miles you put in
getting there.
Make love with a slightly full bladder. The pressure of some urine in your bladder exerts a slight pressure on your sexual organs, stimulating them and making them more sensitive. True, you may leak a drop or two when you reach your peak, but placing a towel beneath your buttocks will spare the sheets.
At the moment of orgasm, deliberately push your pelvic muscles out. The instinct is to clutch inward, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but a catch-release move internally results in a more powerful orgasm.
Stimulate your G-spot externally with your hand. Your G-spot is a highly sensitive internal organ that lies slightly north of the pubic bone on one side or another in the majority of women. Pressing on it on your lower tummy makes the vaginal orgasm stronger and increases pleasurable sensations.

Let him stimulate you. Invite your partner to play with or suck on your clitoris while stimulating you internally with his fingers or a sex toy like a vibrator. The twin sensations of having something in your vagina as well as your clitoris will double your pleasure and orgasmic capacity.
Engage in extended foreplay that includes oral sex.Most women find their most intense orgasms to be the result of oral stimulation rather than penile penetration or finger tips.
Take the female superior position. Being on top allows the woman to enjoy deeper penetration and to take more control while having sex.
Imbibe less alcohol before lovemaking. A little wine may make you feel fine, and it’s true that alcohol is a relaxant. But it also can make you sleepy and even numb, and that’s not good for orgasm.
Masturbate before lovemaking. One orgasm often leads to another, and it’s always a good idea to prime the pump. Once you've had one orgasm, it’s easier to have another, and another. Just as you would stretch before you run, warm up before sex by self-pleasuring. Do you enjoy orgasms more when you're alone or when you are with a partner?

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