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Showing posts from January, 2013

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

What can you do with your Eye Contusion or Black Eye

An eye contusion is a bruise around the eye, commonly called a black eye. It may occur when a blow is sustained in or near the eye socket. If a bruise appears, it will usually do so within 24 hours of the injury. Source Causes After being struck in the eye or nose, blood leaks into the area surrounding the eye. Risk Factors Participation in high impact sports such as basketball, football, hockey, and boxing Occupations that expose the eye to potential injury, such as manufacturing, construction, and athletics Violence Symptoms A black and blue or purple mark will appear following the injury. There may also be redness, swelling, and tenderness or pain. Once it begins to heal, the contusion may turn yellow.

Knowing Bird's Flu or Avian Influenza

Avian influenza is a strain of influenza that primarily infects birds. It is often called the bird flu. In Asia and Africa, there have been cases of avian influenza that have infected humans. To date there have been few cases of human illness. However, many infected patients have died. There is also concern that the virus could become more efficient at infecting humans. Some health experts are concerned that this could eventually cause a pandemic of this disease. A pandemic is a worldwide outbreak. However, the virus is not currently increasing in severity.

How to control Bed Wetting

Bed-wetting is involuntary urination during sleep in children. Typically children become able to sleep through the night without wetting around ages 3 to 5 years. Talk to your doctor if your child has bed-wetting after age 5 years. There are two types bed-wetting (also called enuresis): Primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE)—no periods of nighttime dryness Secondary nocturnal enuresis (SNE)—periods of nighttime dryness longer than 6 months followed by bed-wetting Bed-wetting is common and not related to a medical condition. Most will stop by the time the child reaches puberty. However, bed-wetting remains a problem for up to 1% of adults.

What is Pressure Sores or Bedsore, how to manage it.

A pressure sore is a lesion that develops on the skin and underlying tissues due to unrelieved pressure usually over a bony prominence. The skin and tissues rely on an adequate blood supply for oxygen and nutrients. When tissues are compressed for an extended period from hours to days, blood supply can be cut off, leading to development of a sore. Source Causes Pressure sores result from lying or sitting in one position for too long a time. Prolonged pressure cuts off the blood supply to tissues that are compressed between a bony area and a mattress, chair, or other object. Without oxygen and nutrients, the

What causes your Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is a partial or complete tear of the ligaments that support the ankle. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that cross joints and connect bones to each other. Source Causes Ankle sprains may be caused by: Falling Sudden twisting of the ankle, such as: Stepping on an uneven surface or in a hole Taking an awkward step when running, jumping, or stepping up or down Having your ankle "roll over" when playing sports or exercising (called inversion of the foot)

What is Amoebic Dysentery

Source Amoebic dysentery is an intestinal illness associated with stomach pain, bloody stools, and fever. This condition can be treated. Causes Amoebic dysentery is caused by a parasite called Entamoeba histolytica. You may develop amoebic dysentery if you: Put something in your mouth that has touched the stool of a person infected with  E histolytica Swallow water or food that has been contaminated with  E histolytica Touch cysts (eggs) from  E histolytica  -contaminated surfaces and bring them to your

What is Appendicitis

The appendix is a small, tube-like organ that hangs from the large intestine. Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. The appendix has no known function. Source Causes Appendicitis usually occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. This can be caused by something trapped in the appendix, such as: A piece of dried stool A piece of food Tumors Scar tissue Worms Barium after an exam Overgrowth of the lymph tissue of the appendix

What to do with your Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that typically occurs on the feet. The infection is common among people who exercise or play sports. Anyone can get athlete's foot. Causes Fungus thrives in warm, dark, moist places, such as the inside of a shoe, locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools. Your bare feet come in contact with the fungus when you walk through a contaminated area. The fungus will grow if your feet or the area between your toes stays slightly wet. Source Risk Factors Risk factors that increase your chances of getting athlete's foot include:

What to do with your Asthma

Asthma is a chronic condition of the airways or tubes of the lungs. It narrows the airways and make it difficult to breathe. Source Causes The exact cause of asthma is not clear. It may be caused by a combination of factors including environment, genetics, and biology. Asthma symptoms are caused by an increased sensitivity of the airways to certain triggers. The triggers cause the lining of the airways to swell and produce extra fluid called mucus. At the same time the muscles around the outside of the airway tighten in response to the irritation. All of these reactions narrow the airways and make it difficult to breathe. This response is often referred to as an asthma attack. Possible triggers of an asthma attack in a person with asthma include: Viral illness Exercise Cold weather Sinusitis Gastroesophageal reflux disease  (GERD) Sulfites used in dried fruits and wine Medications, such as aspirin , ibuprofen , and beta-blockers Exposure to irritants or allergens...

Identify and manage Anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder . It occurs when a person's obsession with diet and exercise leads to extreme weight loss. The disorder is considered if a person refuses to maintain a body weight at or above 85% of their ideal body weight. It can be fatal. The cause is still unknown. Source Risk Factors A risk factor increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. Risk factors for anorexia include the following: Sex: female Age: adolescence or early adulthood Low self-esteem Feelings of helplessness Perfectionism Fear of becoming overweight Familial pressure to be thin Families that are overprotective, rigid, not involved, or in conflict Family history of eating disorders Emotional stress Mood disorders, such as  depression  or  generalized anxiety disorder Personality disorders Influenced by social and fashion trends emphasizing or glamorizing thinness Symptoms Symptoms may include: Excessive weight loss Obsession with food, calor...

New Study Revealed Most Common Reasons For Seeing A Doctor

The study included data from 14,000 people in Olmsted County, Minn., who were part of the Rochester Epidemiology Project and who visited a doctor or other health care provider sometime between Jan. 1, 2005 and Dec. 31, 2009. They found that the top 10 most common reasons for seeing the doctor were: 1. Skin disorders, including cysts, acne and dermatitis. 2. Joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. 3. Back problems. 4. Cholesterol problems. 5. Upper respiratory conditions. 6. Anxiety, bipolar disorder and depression. 7. Chronic neurological disorders. 8. High blood pressure. 9. Headaches and migraines. 10. Diabetes. Source

Knowing Autism and its Treatment

Causes Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. This means that problems in brain development cause autism. Scientists are searching for answers about what causes these development problems. Studies suggest: Autism seems to run in some families. Several genes may be involved. Problems during pregnancy or delivery may interfere with normal brain development. Something in the environment that a child is exposed to may be a factor. Risk Factors These factors increase your chance of developing autism: Sex: male (Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls.) Family history: siblings of a child with autism have a 3%-7% chance of being autistic. A number of other conditions are related to autism, although the relationship between them is not clear: Neurofibromatosis Tuberous sclerosis Fragile X syndrome Phenylketonuria (PKU) Möbius syndrome Epilepsy Herpes encephalitis Cytomegalovirus Problems during pregnancy or delivery Having  rubella  du...

Knowing and controlling Anxiety

Anxiety may occur with other conditions, such as alcohol abuse , drug abuse , and depression . Causes Anxiety disorders may result from a combination of factors, such as: Genetics Factors in the environment Chemical imbalances in the brain (e.g., serotonin, norepinephrine) may also play a role. Risk Factors Factors that may increase the risk of anxiety disorders include: Sex: female Family member with anxiety disorders Stressful life events Poor coping strategies History of physical or psychological trauma Symptoms Psychological symptoms may include: Worry or dread Obsessive or intrusive thoughts Sense of imminent danger or catastrophe Fear or panic Restlessness Irritability Impatience Ambivalence (uncertainty) Trouble concentrating Physical symptoms may include: Rapid heartbeat Sweating (especially the palms) Dry mouth Flushing or blushing Muscle tension Shortness of breath Feeling lightheaded or fainting Difficulty sleeping Shaking Cho...

How to take care Dog Bites

Treatment The goal of treatment is to promote healing, decrease the risk of infection, and prevent complications. If your dog bit you and it has had all its vaccinations, you may be able to treat a minor wound yourself. However, call your provider for medical advice. Receiving medical care within the first 24 hours decreases the chance of infection. Seek medical care in these situations: Bite from any wild animal (Bites from rabbits and rodents (squirrels, mice, rats) are quite unlikely to cause rabies.) Cat or human bites (These are particularly prone to developing rapid and serious infection.) Deep or large wound Infection Five or more years since your last  tetanus shot Regardless of the severity of the bite, see a doctor if you have a chronic medical condition, such as: Diabetes Liver disease Heart or lung disease Arthritis or  lupus Poor circulation Cancer Immune system deficiency Self-care Wash the wound with soap and water for at least fiv...

Can I Get Cancer From Oral Sex?

Here are the answers from a lot of speculations and assumption regarding oral sex, read and be guided.. Source: Mount Sinai Medical Center

10 Reasons to QUIT Smoking That Have Nothing To Do With Your Lungs

The benefits of not smoking aside from saving your lungs.. You'll Be Less Anxious Even though smokers may believe taking a long drag on a cigarette can help to calm nerves, a British study published earlier this year suggests that quitting can actually decrease anxiety more over the long-term. "People who achieve abstinence experience a marked reduction in anxiety whereas those who fail to quit experience a modest increase in the long term," researchers wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry study, as reported by CBC News. Similarly, a 2010 study in the journal Addiction showed that perceived stress decreased for people who quit smoking for a year after hospitalization for heart disease, Reuters reported. Your Mouth Will Thank You Quitting the habit could dramatically decrease your risk of dental problems like cavities and gum disease, and even more dangerous conditions like oral cancer, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....

Words that will Hurt and will not Hurt Cancer Patients

No one deliberately says something hurtful to someone diagnosed with a disease. But sometimes, it comes out and it's hard to stop. I could very well have said something stupid to a cancer patient. I have been the recipient of some strange remarks. Not all bad. Mostly powerful, encouraging comments of love and support. But it is amazing what a few shitty comments will do to the soul during such a fragile time. The amount of support needed cannot be underestimated. But how? In what ways? Words? Actions? Food? Gifts? A smile? Information? How do you support someone who is facing the disease of their own body? What do you say? What do you not say? Top 10 list of what not to say or do to your friend who has been diagnosed with cancer: 1. Don't be so negative -- maybe your hair won't fall out. 2. Do you really need to wear that "schmata" (wig) in the house -- isn't it hot? 3. I threw up after my mastectomy. 4. My peach fuzz hair fell out after my last chemo....

7 Foods To Eat Before Drinking for Hangover Prevention

Pickles There's a reason the pickleback is a popular hangover cure: drinking robs the body of electrolytes and drinking salty brine can help replace them. Get a head start by eating pickles or another salty snack before you're dehydrated. Almonds A small handful of almonds before drinking is an old Native American hangover antidote. And Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP newsletter suggests eating a sandwich with almond butter, honey and banana before passing out. Cactus Ingesting prickly pear cactus extract before going out can help relieve hangover symptoms,according to a 2004 study. If you're feeling ambitious, cook the plant to make juice -- or take a dietary supplement. Hummus Alcohol quickly depletes the body of the B vitamins. Replacing them with a B complex pill or a natural source such as hummus -- and the amino acids in the tahini don't hurt either -- can help ward off hangover symptoms. Eggs Eggs are a good source of cysteine, an amino acid that he...

How to manage your stubborn Pimples

  When a child reaches puberty, or the teenage years, his body starts to produce sex hormones. These hormones, responsible for child's physical development, affects the skin as well. Acne or pimples start to appear because they are influenced by androgenic or male sex hormones. Women taking contraceptive pills are also susceptible to acne formation. What can you do?   Always be gentle with your skin. Do not touch, prick, or squeeze your pimples. It can lead to deep or pitted scars. Instead leave the pimples alone and allow the inflammation to subside. They will gradually disappear when teens get to be in the early 20s for males and a little later for females.   Use only mild baby soap. Avoid using antibacterial soap or cosmetics with heavy oils like cocoa butter, or cleansers and creams with moisturizers.   If your pimples are in chest and back, avoid using tight clothes, constant rubbing in the area, and using strong and heavily scented shampoos and conditione...