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Transform the Salty Six

We are supposed to get less than 1,500 mg salt a day (less than one teaspoon of table salt!). Most Americans far supersede this limit. Sodium's in most everything you eat, and now the American Heart Association (AHA) is highlighting the top foods with excess sodium, aptly named “The Salty Six.” Before we jump into the list, here's some context. A teaspoon of straight up salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. When you look on a nutrition label, a serving's worth of sodium that's within the safe range are as follows:
  • Sodium-free = less than 5mg per serving
  • Very low sodium - 35 mg or less per serving
  • Low sodium = 140mg or less per serving

Keep in mind, high blood pressure and sodium affects more than your heart -- those darn wrinkles. Too much salt can decrease calcium levels in your body. So lowering your salt consumption keeps your bones stronger.

1. Bread And Rolls
This tops the list because we Americans simply consume too much bread, period. A 1-ounce slice has 100 to 200 mg of sodium. Limit your intake to the size of a disk (100-percent whole grain, only of course -- you want to avoid those wrinkles, or at least enjoy better orgasms).

2. Cold Cuts And Cured Meats
Skip these altogether. The preservatives add a criminal amount of sodium to your meal. If you must do meat, lean ham and lean pork (tenderloin) will have less salt. Drop the Canadian bacon!

3. Pizza
It’s the perfect storm: bread, cheese, pepperoni and marinara sauce. One slice alone can make up more than half of your daily recommended intake! Go homemade with no-salt-added sauce, 100% whole wheat or other-grain-you-love dough, low-sodium cheese and leave the pepperoni at the door with the delivery.

4. PoultryGo skinless, lean and grilled. Watch out for grilled chicken sandwiches at popular fast food restaurants, those have 820 - 1330mg of sodium! That’s almost your day right there.

5. Soup
Make your own rather than canned (those ”low-cal” soups have around 800 mg)! Choose a low-sodium broth and season with spices and herbs. There are some soups you can enjoy (see our"You: On A Diet" for several really great ones with less -- some way less -- than 480 mg of sodium
6. Sandwhiches
Use the same meat alternatives as you do soup. Don’t forget about tofu and seitan! As for PB & J, try natural nut butters without added salt. To avoid going overboard on bread: open-faced sandwiches or fresh lettuce wraps.



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