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How to manage your stubborn Pimples

  When a child reaches puberty, or the teenage years, his body starts to produce sex hormones. These hormones, responsible for child's physical development, affects the skin as well. Acne or pimples start to appear because they are influenced by androgenic or male sex hormones. Women taking contraceptive pills are also susceptible to acne formation.

What can you do?
  Always be gentle with your skin. Do not touch, prick, or squeeze your pimples. It can lead to deep or pitted scars. Instead leave the pimples alone and allow the inflammation to subside. They will gradually disappear when teens get to be in the early 20s for males and a little later for females.
  Use only mild baby soap. Avoid using antibacterial soap or cosmetics with heavy oils like cocoa butter, or cleansers and creams with moisturizers.
  If your pimples are in chest and back, avoid using tight clothes, constant rubbing in the area, and using strong and heavily scented shampoos and conditioner (if you have long hair) as they may irritate sensitive skin.
  Always drink plenty of water and eat healthy food. Avoid meaty or oily foods. Always get enough rest and sleep.

What the Doctor do?
  Cosmetics and dermatologists doctors can help. If hormonal imbalance is apparent, then your doctor can put you on hormonal pills for a short period.
  Anti-pimple preparations are available like tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic creams, and tablets. But don't use them without prescriptions.
  For acutely inflamed or big pimples, comedo surgery is advised.

  How about Acne:
  •  Hot, humid environment may clog sebaceous gland opening.
  • Sun exposure can cause acne eruption.
  • Sunscreens can cause comedones due to their heavy cream content.
  • Oily or greasy cosmetics and hair treatments can exacerbate acne.
  • Certain medicines like steroids, Vitamin B12, INH, and iodides can trigger acne formation.
  • Acute, stressful situation can cause acne flare ups.
  • Too much vitamin A intake to treat acne can cause toxicity.


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