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The Healthy Snacking

There are plenty of delicious and nutritious foods around, but here are what identified as healthy food for our body that can be eaten during snack time..
Healthy eaters identified fruit, yogurt and nutritional bars as some of their top picks, but we wanted more. After all, we may need a bit more variety to deny ourselves the plethora of snack options available (thanks to office vending machines, must-try food trucks and co-workers' candy dishes).
So, we turned to the experts: We asked 10 nutritionists what they like to munch on when hungry in between meals. The R.D.'s were not short on snack food: From avocado halves to portable seaweed snacks, there's bound to be a tempting (and healthy) treat in the mix to keep you satiated. Check out their answers below for some snack-spiration, then let us know in the comments section what you love to nosh on.

Greek Yogurt
"Right now my favorite snack is a 6 oz cup of Greek non-fat yogurt (plain), with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of chopped, dried plums (I use Plum Amazins' to save chopping time!)."

Brussels Sprouts And Carrots
"Sometimes I like to snack on brussels sprouts or carrots -- especially right before dinner. I'll pick at them while cooking, and find I can easily get in a cup of veggies and all their beneficial nutrients (like fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C)."

Roasted Seaweed"I love Seasnax roasted seaweed in the grab-and-go packs. This is the perfect snack for me when my kids are eating their dinner but I'm eating with my husband later on. Its just 16 calories per package so if you need to eat a second pack you can!"

A Cup Of Hot Chocolate
"I guess I'm a seasonal snacker as my favorites seem to switch whether it's cold out or not. In the winter: 1 cup hot chocolate (made with real cocoa powder, honey and skim milk)."

-Julie Upton, M.S., R.D., CSSD

A Green Apple With Almond Butter
"Snacks are always key! I'm a big fan of 1 tablespoon of almond butter on a grain cracker with a sliced green apple."

-Lisa C. Cohn, M.M.Sc., M.Ed., R.D

Half An Avocado
"I'll have half an avocado with lemon and sea salt -- with apple slices if more is needed."

-Keri Glassman, R.D.

Dried Cherries And Roasted Nuts
"Dried cherries and roasted walnuts or almonds (the cherries are sweet and packed with antioxidants and the nuts contain healthy oils and protein to keep me satisfied)."

Hard Boiled Eggs
"I love having hard boiled eggs or an egg sandwich -- I have a new-found love of all things eggs since I started raising chickens last year."

-Cheryl Forberg, R.D

Dried Edamame
"My favorite snack is dried edamame. It is portable, high protein, convenient and quick while working. It is handy to take on business travel as well. I keep some stored in my desk so I always have a healthy snack ready to go."

An Avocado-Kale Smoothie
"An avocado, kale smoothie -- for satiety, energy and deliciousness."
-Rochelle Sirota, R.D., C.D.N.


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