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GIBBERELLIC ACID (GA3) For Sale: improves plant growth and yield of Fruits and Vegetables

The chemical Gibberellic Acid (GA3) , is used in commercial horticulture to improve plant growth and yields.
Can be used safely on fruit, vegetables, and leaf crops.

We accept orders, text or call us at 09175015680
250 pesos per tablet, 6 tablets minimum purchase. Free Delivery.
We'll give direction on how to use it upon purchase. Accepting consultation for hot pepper, dragon fruit, corn, eggplant, and rice production.
GA3 can be mixed with Jfarm foliar fertilizer for best results.
Free Guide in Producing Eggplant, Hot Pepper, Tomatoes, and other commercial crops.
Gibberellic Acid Usage Procedure

Products are safe to eat, crop and harvest after plant treatments at recommended concentrations.
Natural organic product. Breaks down naturally as plants grow.
This plant growth regulator can be found naturally in plants. Used on a wide range of food crops worldwide.
Routinely used for the production of seedless grapes in Europe, USA, Australia, South Africa and South America.

Classified as a plant growth regulator it can have a number of commercially important effects on how plants grow.
Gibberellic Acid can affect growth by its effect on cell growth and cell elongation. Such effects are often seen in stem growth as well as root growth. Stems and inter nodal lengths can be increased and a better more extensive root system develop. Increases in cell division can also sometimes be seen in the production of larger leaves. GA leads to bigger plants with bigger shoots and leaves in many plants.

Bigger plants produce bigger crop yields.

Gibberellic acid can be used as a seed dormancy breaker. It is most effective on rosette plants that have a cold dormancy requirement for germination. Though dormancy breaking and germination improvement can be seen in a number of genera.

Germination seed dormancy of a number of Carnivorous or insectivorous plants can be broken by using a solution of Gibberellic Acid.

Used for the production of standard and half standard plants. Can be used on Fuchsia, Rose, Hibiscus (both hardy and tropical varieties), Ficus, Vitis, and a range of fruit crops when a strong stem is trained to a cane to build a framework.

Longer flower stems can be produced on a range of 'florist' flower crops. In addition flower size can sometimes be achieved. Treating flower buds before opening with a solution of Gibberellic acid can lead to huge flower increases in a range of different flowers.

Science and horticulture use Gibberellic Acid for the following benefits in a range of plants. Now also available for hobbyists and enthusiastic amateurs or anyone who grows plants. It is easy to mix, use and apply to plants growing anywhere.

Plant growth regulator Gibberellic Acid used on plants
Increase plant or crop yield
Enable greater photosynthesis and plant metabolism
Allow the production of bigger leaves, and bigger root system
Increase cell growth in stems,leaves and roots
Used for production of elongated stems in plants grown as standard and half-standard horticulture crops.
Can be used to increase stem length in a number of flower crops grown for the flower trade.
Increase flower size
Improve establishment and growth of young plants produced from cuttings, seed or plugs.
Used to help plants suffering nutrient and growth deficiencies.

The chemical composition.
Gibberellic Acid GA3
common alternative names: Gibberellin, GA3, Gibb Acid.
C19H2206 Molecular Weight: 346.37 Melting point 230degC.

White powder, store in the dark. (Cover vials with aluminium foil) For prolonged storage keep at 2-8 degC. Keep cool for long term storage for 2 years

Low toxicity, safe to humans and animals after usage. No phytotoxicity at standard application rates Avoid eye contact at all time, Avoid ingestion or inhalation. Mild irritant to skin. Always wash with large volumes of water in case of contact.

Dissolved in water for 5 minutes. (For many years we used to routinely dissolve GA3 in water for treating Nicotiana clevelandii and Arabidopsis seed) It is simple and very quick.

Store in a cool dry dark place. We supply in a leak proof container and we suggest Triacontanol is stored in the dark in a refrigerator at 2-8deg C. Foil cover the tube if necessary to eliminate light. We suggest using the solution soon after mixing and preferably use within a few days.

For in-vitro use of GA3 we suggest the use of aseptic filtering and adding to plant media after autoclaving. There is some evidence that GA3 activity decreases if it has been autoclaved.

We accept orders, text or call us at 09175015680
250pesos per tablet, 6 tablets minimum purchase. Free Delivery.
We'll give direction on how to use it upon purchase.

Rates of usage.
For treatment of seed to break dormancy (seeds that are susceptible) use at rate of 200ppm to 500ppm. Sometimes 1000ppm solutions can be used, however this can on occasions lead to problems with seed elongation in some genera, after the germination process. Seeds can be soaked for 2-24 hours.

For increasing flower size by flower bud treatment. Concentrations can vary but generally low concentrations of 10-50 ppm are used. For Camellias concentrations of 20,000 ppm can by used in a technique called 'Gibbing'.

For treating adult plants of seedlings to increase growth, use at a rate of 10 -200ppm for most genera. Solutions should be applied as a foliage spray aiming for drip down coverage. There is a great deal of variation in plant responses to concentration. Generally vigorously growing plants under warm conditions require larger larger volumes of Gibberellic acid. It is important to also feed your plants with fertiliser when using a Gibberellic treatment.

Mixed solutions should be stored in a refrigerator at 5-8degC and discarded after 7 days as it does not keep long term as a water mixed solution.



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