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Showing posts from March, 2012

Yummy Inasal outside Mang Inasal

Using Cashew to Cure Diseases

This fruit tree had grown in tropical countries. The leaves are oval in shape with rounded tips, its flower are yellowish and small. The fruit is pear shaped, producing a kidney shaped nut outside and under the fruit. It is known almost anywhere. It is use for the following,

The Curing Capability of Okra.

We are all familiar with this kind of plant, except in area that it cannot be grown. But for those who haven't seen it yet, I'm sure that its fruit is available at the vegetable section in the market. I'm sharing you the curing capability of okra, it will be a big help to those who can't afford to buy expensive medicines on the market today. Here is how to utilize it as medicine; Okra (Lady's finger)

Understanding PMS; Premenstrual Syndrome

  Premenstrual Syndrome or The Premenstrual Symptom, is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that most women experience a few days before menstruation. The emotional and physical symptoms cause by PMS might vary from one woman to another, but each woman experiences a predictable pattern that occurs consistently during the ten days prior to her period. The symptoms are known to go away either shortly before or after her period starts. The result sometimes makes women over reacting, but we should know about this to understand and help them cope with this stage and cycle in having their monthly period. Some Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome The chief complaints relate to emotional symptoms such as increased emotional sensitivity, stress, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings and fatigue.

Bountiful Harvest of Corn

We have again harvested the desired volume of  corn for this cropping season. Thanks to frequent rain from the month of November till January, it is an enough blessing. Here are some pictures taken to show how we grow yellow hybrid corn. The sack of corn ready to be threshed.