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Be Careful with TV Commercials That Endorses Food.

Our children still doesn't know how to distinguish right or wrong. But everybody presume that everything we watch from TV is good. If you have observed, most of the things that was shown on TV commercials pertains on food. The food that was shown mostly if not junk, is grow food. The children develop interest on those foods especially that the one who act on it portrays delicious experience. So the children presume that it is a good food, because the one who act are healthy and enjoying in eating the food. But the truth is, the food they eat is not the kind of food we need daily, it is a kind of food that is less in nutrients and minerals. The food is a kind of food that should be eaten occasionally and not daily.
Majority of can afford families serve food according to what their children like and not their needs. Parents do not follow what is essential and good for their family, but rather follow their children wants. We put to
much value on our kids that we can't discipline them regarding food needs. The result, we produce obese and malnourished kids. We even have diabetes and hypertension at younger age. Our children are hyper active and unruly, that we can't control and direct them. They tend to insist what they want and liked it. But are we satisfied with the situation, if not, you should read and understand carefully the following paragraph.

Here are some possible measure to control and direct our children's eating habits. Remember, do it now before it is too late.
  1. It is perfect if you act as an example. Eat fruits and vegetable often, and meat occasionally. Though meat is cheaper, but what it brings is danger to our health.
  2. Have time viewing television with your kids, if they have some question and comments, answer them promptly.
  3. Don't tell them lies to cover mistakes, tell the truth and correct them.
  4. Explain, that the purpose of TV Commercials is business. They only want to earn money for themselves, and they don't care about the health of consumers.
  5. Be selective viewer if you can't resist TV viewing. 

Don’t settle,


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