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Importance of Water Intake

   While we take and consume food daily, lack of adequate quantity of water in the body causes serious damage to our entire system. Water serves as lubricant and carrier of supply going throughout our system, don’t wait for the time that you’re thirst, because at that time you are already dehydrated.
   The water must be gulped and not sipped so that it goes straight into the intestines when drinking at early morning. Four glasses of water, preferably stored in a copper utensil for twenty-four hours will be taken first thing in the morning helps in easy flushing of the toxins from the system. You can get rid of problem regarding constipation and other related illness resulting to inadequate water intake if we start and continue drinking the needed quantity and measure of water daily.

   Water taken during the rest of the day must be slowly sipped and not gulped so that it is absorbed in the region of stomach. When we talk of water intake, it means water and not beverages, like soft drinks and tea. The habit of taking chilled aerated drinks with food is not good for digestion. It is like putting cold water on fire. In fact when we drink chilled water, our body will adjust or let the water be warm in our stomach before absorbing or distributing it in our system. Our body will not use the cold water we drink directly, if our body does not have the need capability to convert cold into warm, that’s the time we get colds, cough, fever, and other illnesses. 


  1. It's a must to drink water everyday.

  2. Water flushes dirt from body.

  3. Water is a lubricant that our body needs it daily.

  4. Water is part of food for the body.

  5. Without water, we will not survive. Water is very essential in our body.

  6. Water is not only source of life, it is life itself.

  7. Let's conserve water and use it in proper.

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