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Charcoal Therapy in the 19th Century

Resulta ng larawan para sa activated charcoal           The use of charcoal as a simple remedy for different health problems is an ancient way of treating many common diseases that afflict humankind dates back to the time of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 360 BC.

            ā€œHIPPOCRATES, as well as ancient Egyptian doctors, suggested the use of charcoal for medicinal purposes.ā€

            In the late 1800, Ellen G. White spearheaded the use of charcoal in the treatment of different diseases. A sincere and prayerful Christian, she wrote many books including health books such as:
Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Happiness Homemade, Healthful Living, Temperance, Counsels on Health, and Selected Messages in three volumes.
She said:
            ā€œThe Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial, and if every family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented, and no doctor need be called. These old fashioned, simple herbs, used intelligently would have recovered many sick that have died under drug medication.
            ā€œOne of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in fomentations. This is a most successful remedyā€¦ I prescribed this simple remedy, with perfect success.. This works like a charm.
            ā€œI expect you will laugh at this; but if I could give this remedy some outlandish name that no one knew but my self, it would have greater influenceā€¦ But the simplest remedies may assist nature, and leave no baleful effects after their use.ā€

ELLEN G. WHITEā€™S Experiences
            Aside from diligently and continuously studying these simple remedies, Ellen G. White taught them and encouraged their use because they were within the reach of many people. ā€œWhen used intelligently,ā€ she said, ā€œthe blessing of the Lord may be expected to follow the use on these means.ā€
The following indications how charcoal work different cases of illness and diseases.
  1. Indigestion
ā€œI will tell you a little about my experience with charcoal as a remedy. For some forms of indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs.ā€ 
  1. Inflammation of the Bowel/Dysentery
ā€œA brother was taken sick with inflammation of the bowels and bloody dysenteryā€¦ But this man who was suffering from inflammation of bowels, sent for me to come to him.. Fears were entertained that mortification had set in. Then the thought came to me like a communication from the Lord to take pulverized charcoal, put water upon it, and give this water to the sick man to drink, putting bandages of the charcoal over the bowels and stomachā€¦ The result was that in half an hour there was a change for a betterā€¦ The blessing of God had worked with the simple means used.ā€
  1. Inflammation of the Eyes

  1. Inflammation of the Bruises
  2. Boils
  3. Insects and Snake Bites
  4. Typhoid Fever

Research Studies shows that the following cases respond to Charcoal Treatment,

  1. Skin Ulcers
  2. Wounds
  3. Face, Eyes, Ears, and Extremities
  4. Cancer
  5. Animal and Insect Bites
  6. Internal Use of Charcoal Powder
  7. Rate of Absorption
  8. Chemical and food poisoning
  9. Blood cleansing agent
  10. Neonatal jaundice
  11. No side effects. No known contraindications
  12. Adsorbs food nutrients poorly
  13. Charcoal as preventive medicine
  14. Diarrhea and dysentery
  15. Fever
  16. Liver disease
  17. Kidney disorder
  18. Charcoal Cannot be used intravenously

ā€œWood and coconut charcoal are less affective that bone charcoal for adsorbing foot and mouth diseases.ā€

Taken from, Healing Wonders of Charcoal by Severino S. Paypa


  1. It is effective and cheap medicine today.

  2. Better than synthetic medicine.

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